我正在使用 Ubuntu 18.04.安装 sqldeveloper 后,我正确登录并获取数据库列表.双击一个数据库以显示其内容后,sqldeveloper 变得极其缓慢.双击数据库后,我立即收到以下消息:
I am working with Ubuntu 18.04. After installing sqldeveloper I correctly log in and get a list of databases. Upon doubleclicking on one database to show its content sqldeveloper becomes extremely slow. I receive the following message right after double clicking on a DB:
UsersCache.fillIn() time = 4 ret==null?: true
然后加载我点击的数据库大约需要 10-15 分钟.在那之后,我可以与数据库交互,但是如果我想打开另一个数据库,我必须大约在同一时间等待.数据库的大小很大,但在我同事的机器上,只需几秒钟.我试图卸载并再次安装它,但没有办法加快速度.详细运行它不会提供比我上面粘贴的单行更多的信息.
And then it takes approximately 10-15 minutes to load the database I clicked. After that time I can interact with the DB, but if I want to open another one I have to wait about the same time. The size of the DB is big, but on my colleague's machines it is a matter of seconds. I tried to uninstall and install it again but there is no way it speeds things up. Running it in verbose doesn't give more info than the one-liner I pasted above.
显示 sqldeveloper 进程的 CPU 使用率约为 180%.
shows a CPU usage of approximately 180% on the sqldeveloper process.
这很可能是你的问题.我们不支持 OpenJDK(或 IBM 的).
That is likely your problem. We do not support OpenJDK (or IBM's either for that matter.)
为了获得最佳体验,我们建议并仅支持 Oracle JDK - 特别是版本 8.
For the best experience we recommend and ONLY support the Oracle JDK - specifically, version 8.
我注意到在我们的下载页面上我们没有具体说明这一点,但确实将人们指向 Java 的 Oracle 下载.我将添加注释/免责声明,以便更明显.
I noticed on our download pages we do not say this specifically, but do point folks to the Oracle downloads for Java. I'll add a note/disclaimer so it is more obvious.
您可以在 $HOME 的 .sqldeveloper 目录中控制所使用的 Java Home 或 SQL Developer.那里有一个 product.conf 文件,把 Oracle JDK 8 的路径放在那里.
You can control the Java Home used or SQL Developer in the .sqldeveloper directory in your $HOME. There is a product.conf file in there, put the path to Oracle JDK 8 there.
这篇关于sqldeveloper 加载数据库内容的时间太长的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!