




I am trying to use the Spark implementation of the ALS algorithm for recommendation systems, so I built the DataFrame depicted below, as training data:

|    userId    |    itemId    |    rating    |


Now, I would like to create a sparse matrix, to represent the interactions between every user and every item. The matrix will be sparse because if there is no interaction between a user and an item, the corresponding value in the matrix will be zero. Thus, in the end, most values will be zero.

但是如何使用CoordinateMatrix实现呢?我之所以说CoordinateMatrix,是因为我将Spark 2.1.1与python配合使用,并且在文档中,我看到仅当矩阵的两个维度都很大且矩阵非常稀疏时,才应使用CoordinateMatrix.

But how can I achieve this, using a CoordinateMatrix? I'm saying CoordinateMatrix because I'm using Spark 2.1.1, with python, and in the documentation, I saw that a CoordinateMatrix should be used only when both dimensions of the matrix are huge and the matrix is very sparse.


In other words, how can I get from this DataFrame to a CoordinateMatrix, where the rows would be users, the columns would be items and the ratings would be the values in the matrix?


CoordinateMatrix只是MatrixEntrys的RDD的包装. MatrixEntry只是一个(长,长,浮点)元组的包装. Pyspark允许您从此类元组的RDD创建CoordinateMatrix.如果userIditemId字段均为IntegerTypes,而rating类似于FloatType,则创建所需矩阵非常简单.

A CoordinateMatrix is just a wrapper for an RDD of MatrixEntrys. A MatrixEntry is just a wrapper over a (long, long, float) tuple. Pyspark allows you to create a CoordinateMatrix from an RDD of such tuples. If the userId and itemId fields are both IntegerTypes and the rating is something like a FloatType, then creating the desired matrix is very straightforward.

from pyspark.mllib.linalg.distributed import CoordinateMatrix



It is only slightly more complicated if you have StringTypes for the userId and itemId fields. You would need to index those strings first and then pass the indices to the CoordinateMatrix.


08-27 14:17