

有没有办法隐藏一些在一个TextView文本(但不是全部)?我试着大小设置为0与AbsoluteSizeSpan,但没有,我看不到任何的视觉效果。 (你可以设置大小为1,你基本上得到坎坷行,而不是可读文本,可爱的,但不完全是我后。)




我想你要找的: TextView.setVisibility(View.GONE)

Is there a way to hide some (but not all) of the text in a TextView? I tried setting the size to 0 with AbsoluteSizeSpan, but that doesn't have any visual effect that I see. (You can set the size to 1, and you essentially get bumpy lines instead of readable text. Cute, but not quite what I'm after.)

By hide, I mean go away, not be visible and not take up space. Drawing text with the same color as the background isn't what I'm looking for.

I realize I can just replace the text in the TextView with only the text I want to display, but I'm already using spans to do a lot more dynamic styling, and something like a HiddenSpan would be useful. Does it exist?


I think you're looking for: TextView.setVisibility(View.GONE)


08-27 13:46