




I'm probably missing something obvious here, yet I've been unable to solve the following problem:

我有一个包含普通和正常图像资源的项目视网膜屏幕,如 someimage.png [email protected] ,它们存储在一个单独的包中。当我构建项目时,Xcode自动将它们打包成一个多页tiff( imageName.tiff ),我在finder中检查了它 - 它实际上是两个图像的多重tiff 。但是,出现了一个问题:我很难加载适当的资源。

I have a project with image resources for both normal and retina screens, like someimage.png and [email protected], which are stored in a separate bundle. When I build the project, Xcode automatically packs them into a single multipage tiff (imageName.tiff), I've checked it in finder - it is actually multipage tiff with both images. However, here comes a problem: I struggle to load appropriate resource.


    NSString * imageName = ... ;

    NSLog(@"imageName: %@", imageName);

    UIImage * someImage = [UIImage imageNamed: imageName];


Also I fave auxiliary method, which returns bundle with resources:

   +(NSBundle *) resourcesBundle
         NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"MyResourcesBundle" withExtension:@"bundle"]];
         return bundle;

我试过以下 imageName

imageName = [[AuxClass resourcesBundle] pathForResource:@"someimage" ofType:@"png"];

在这种情况下,我有 null for imageName

in this case i have null for imageName.

imageName = [[AuxClass resourcesBundle] pathForResource:@"someimage" ofType:@"tiff"];

在这种情况下会返回确认图像路径,但只有在我使用 imageWithContentsOfFile 而不是 imageNamed ,它没有采取适当的资源:尽管有屏幕类型,它仍为视网膜加载资源。

in this case actuall image path is returned, however it only works if I use imageWithContentsOfFile instead of imageNamed, and it doesn't take appropriate resource: it loads resource for retina despite the type of screen.

如果我省略filetype(就像我在添加 @ 2x 资源之前所做的那样,并且它工作正常,这是我尝试的第一件事并且确定它会起作用)

If I ommit filetype (as I did before adding @2x resources, and it worked ok, and was the first thing I tried and was sure it would work)

imageName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@",
                                  @"someimage" ];


添加.tiff扩展名与 pathForResource:具有相同的效果 - 加载视网膜资源,无视非视网膜屏幕的资源。

Adding ".tiff" extension have the same effect as pathForResource: - resource for retina is loaded, disregarding resource for non-retina screen.


So what am I missing? What's the correct way of loading images?



Have you tried to simply load the image using:

UIImage * someImage = [UIImage imageNamed: @"someimage"];


(assuming your have an image named 'someimage' in you project, for example someimage.png)


The code will automatically pick retina/non-retina versions depending on the platform.


If the problem is that the TIFF are created, check:


In latest version of XCode, go to the Editor menu, then select "validate settings", which should remove that artwork combination.


08-27 13:34