Emacs 23刚刚添加了更改当前帧的alpha值以使其变得透明的功能。我在.emacs中键入以下命令:
Emacs 23 just added the functionality to change the alpha value of the current frame to make it transparent. I just type the following command in .emacs:
(set-frame-parameter(selected-frame)'alpha'(85 50))
It actually shows what's on the windows behind Emacs. However, I would be interested in making an Emacs background image instead. Maybe of some stellar landscape or something. Does anyone have ideas on how to change the background image behind the frame?
This doesn't appear possible at a glance. Below are the frame parameters that can be set:
- auto-raise
- 自动下调
- 背景颜色
- border-color
- border-width
- cursor-color
- cursor-type
- font
- foreground-color
- icon-name
- icon-type
- 内部边框宽度
- 菜单栏线
- 鼠标颜色
- 名称
- scroll-bar-width
- 标题
- 不可拆卸
- 垂直滚动条
- visibility
- 工具栏线条
- scroll-bar-foreground
- scroll-bar-background
- screen-gamma
- 行间距
- left-fringe
- right-fringe
- wait-for-wm
- 全屏
- font-backend
- alpha
- sticky
- auto-raise
- auto-lower
- background-color
- border-color
- border-width
- cursor-color
- cursor-type
- font
- foreground-color
- icon-name
- icon-type
- internal-border-width
- menu-bar-lines
- mouse-color
- name
- scroll-bar-width
- title
- unsplittable
- vertical-scroll-bars
- visibility
- tool-bar-lines
- scroll-bar-foreground
- scroll-bar-background
- screen-gamma
- line-spacing
- left-fringe
- right-fringe
- wait-for-wm
- fullscreen
- font-backend
- alpha
- sticky