


I am trying to add Java classes to my adapter as described in the tutorial Using Java in Adapters. However, I am trying to do that from the CLI.


  • wl create WLProject

  • cd WLProject

  • wl add adapter

  • 复制Java类(Calculator1 .java)到服务器/ java / com / worklight / customcode

  • wl start

  • wl create WLProject
  • cd WLProject
  • wl add adapter
  • copy the Java class (Calculator1.java) to server/java/com/worklight/customcode
  • wl start


The build process fails and no war file is created;


  • wl创建WLProject

  • cd WLProject

  • wl add adapter

  • wl start

  • 将Java类(Calculator1.java)复制到server / java / com / worklight / customcode

  • wl build

  • wl deploy

  • wl invoke

  • wl create WLProject
  • cd WLProject
  • wl add adapter
  • wl start
  • copy the Java class (Calculator1.java) to server/java/com/worklight/customcode
  • wl build
  • wl deploy
  • wl invoke


The invocation fails. When I inspect the war file, the Calculator1.class has not been deployed.


So the question is: how can I add Java classes to an adapter when using the CLI?



There's an invalid classpathref in the build file that's producing the WAR.

您可以编辑 [CLI安装位置] /worklight-cli/node_modules/generator-worklight-server/lib/build.xml 以使用classpathref修复此问题。

You can edit [CLI Install Location]/worklight-cli/node_modules/generator-worklight-server/lib/build.xml to fix this issue with the classpathref.


在第132行,您可以删除attribute classpathref =server-classpath。

If you're not planning on using any server runtime libraries:
On line 132, you can remove the attribute classpathref="server-classpath".


你会需要添加编译代码时要使用的server-classpath。在build.xml文件中的 build-WAR 目标之前,您可以添加以下内容:
< path id =服务器类路径>
< fileset dir =$ {worklight.jars.dir}includes =worklight-jee-library.jar/>
< fileset dir =[您的主目录] / .worklight / 6.2.0 / server / wlp / devincludes =** / * .jar/>
< / path>

If you plan on using server runtime libraries:
You'll need to add the "server-classpath" to be used when compiling your code. Before the build-WAR target in the build.xml file, you can add the following
<path id="server-classpath"> <fileset dir="${worklight.jars.dir}" includes="worklight-jee-library.jar" /> <fileset dir="[your home directory]/.worklight/6.2.0/server/wlp/dev" includes="**/*.jar" /> </path>

请注意第二个文件集,您必须更改 [您的主目录] 到适当的路径。在编译类时,添加这两个文件集包括worklight运行时和服务器运行时。

Please note that the second fileset, you'll have to change [your home directory] to the appropriate path. Adding both of these filesets includes the worklight runtime and the server runtime when compiling your classes.



When you've made your changes:
Restart the server. At this point, the Calculator1 class should be added to your WAR.


08-27 12:57