本文介绍了Google App Engine和Google Compute Engine有什么区别?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想知道App Engine& Compute Engine是。任何人都可以向我解释这种差异吗?


App Engine 服务。这意味着您只需部署您的代码,而平台为您执行其他任何操作。例如,如果您的应用程序非常成功,App Engine将自动创建更多实例来处理增加的音量。

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计算引擎是一款基础设施作为一种服务。您必须创建并配置您自己的虚拟机实例。它为您提供了更大的灵活性,通常成本远低于App Engine。缺点是你必须自己管理你的应用程序和虚拟机。

如有必要,您可以混用App Engine和Compute Engine。它们均可与的其他部分配合使用。


另一个更重要的区别是:如果没有请求进入,在App Engine上运行的项目可以缩减为零实例。这在开发阶段非常有用,因为你可以在几个星期内完成这个任务,而不必超过实例小时的慷慨免费配额。灵活的运行时(即托管虚拟机)至少需要一个实例运行。


云端函数(目前处于测试阶段)是App Engine的抽象层次 - 没有实例!它允许开发人员部署一小段代码,这些代码可响应不同事件执行,其中可能包括HTTP请求,云存储中的更改等。

App Engine的功能是每100毫秒定价,而App Engine的实例仅在闲置15分钟后关闭。另一个优点是云功能立即执行,而对App Engine的调用可能需要一个新实例 - 而冷启动新实例可能需要几秒或更长时间(取决于运行时和代码)。

这使得云功能成为(a)罕见调用的理想选择 - 无需保存实例以防万一发生,(b)在实例经常旋转和关闭的情况下快速更改负载,以及可能还有更多用例。

I was wondering what the difference between App Engine & Compute Engine are. Can anyone explain the difference to me?


App Engine is a Platform-as-a-Service. It means that you simply deploy your code, and the platform does everything else for you. For example, if your app becomes very successful, App Engine will automatically create more instances to handle the increased volume.

Read more about App Engine

Compute Engine is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service. You have to create and configure your own virtual machine instances. It gives you more flexibility and generally costs much less than App Engine. The drawback is that you have to manage your app and virtual machines yourself.

Read more about Compute Engine

You can mix both App Engine and Compute Engine, if necessary. They both work well with the other parts of the Google Cloud Platform.

EDIT (May 2016):

One more important distinction: projects running on App Engine can scale down to zero instances if no requests are coming in. This is extremely useful at the development stage as you can go for weeks without going over the generous free quota of instance-hours. Flexible runtime (i.e. "managed VMs") require at least one instance to run constantly.

EDIT (April 2017):

Cloud Functions (currently in beta) is the next level up from App Engine in terms of abstraction - no instances! It allows developers to deploy bite-size pieces of code that execute in response to different events, which may include HTTP requests, changes in Cloud Storage, etc.

The biggest difference with App Engine is that functions are priced per 100 milliseconds, while App Engine's instances shut down only after 15 minutes of inactivity. Another advantage is that Cloud Functions execute immediately, while a call to App Engine may require a new instance - and cold-starting a new instance may take a few seconds or longer (depending on runtime and your code).

This makes Cloud Functions ideal for (a) rare calls - no need to keep an instance live just in case something happens, (b) rapidly changing loads where instances are often spinning and shutting down, and possibly more use cases.

Read more about Cloud Functions

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08-27 11:32