



我有一个 FirebaseRecyclerAdapter ,我不想继续更新 RecyclerView 。这是因为我拥有它,所以它根据它们在数据库中有多少视图来填充视图。问题是,如果其他人查看项目,您在应用程序中看到的列表将保持更改顺序。

I have a FirebaseRecyclerAdapter which I do not want to keep updating the RecyclerView. This is because I have it so it populates the view with items based on how many 'views' they have in the database. The problem is, if other people view the items, the list you see in the app will keep changing order.Is there a way to stop the recycler adapter from constantly listening for data changes or will I have to go about this another way?



FirebaseUI中的适配器实时绑定到您构建它们的Query / DatabaseReference中的数据。无法在适配器中关闭此功能。

The adapters in FirebaseUI are live-bound to the data at the Query/DatabaseReference that you construct them with. There is no way to turn this behavior off in the adapter.

但是,您可以轻松创建填充的 ValueEventListener 一个静态的 List< T> ,并将其提供给 ArrayAdapter

But you can easily create a ValueEventListener that populates a static List<T> and feeds that into an ArrayAdapter.


08-27 10:08