本文介绍了Android的 - 从网上下载存储图像的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I had a question related to whether or not (and how) I should store images loaded from the web. Let's say I am calling a web service from my Android app. In this web service I get a URL for an image on the web. I download and show this image on the left side of a list item in a ListView. My question is, what method should I use for possibly storing the image? Should I:

  1. 将其保存到SD卡,检查它是否在ListView控件创建(在后续请求)的存在,并重新下载必要的(虽然偶尔更新图像,如果它的变化)。
  2. 将它存储在使用Context.getCacheDir()的缓存,但可能被迫重新下载更多的时候,因为我不能依靠图像留在缓存上。
  3. 随时下载它,不会存储图像。


The image files themselves are fairly small, but I expect some users could have dozens of these small images downloaded/stored. Which would work best, and/or what is the preferred method?


As a side question, should I load all of the images in my ListView first (and possibly lock the UI for some time) or load them asynchronously but show a placeholder graphic in the meantime (which might be a bit more "ugly")? What's the standard here?



About where to store:The answer depends on what is being downloaded and how much. Then you make a choice.

例如:如果要下载的东西是暂时的,少的数量(少远程取),大小(较少的内存),是当地的一个活动,那么你应该考虑使用SoftReferences拿着照片在内存中。 SoftReferences可导致重新提取,但由于项目的数量是小的,应该实惠。

For instance: If you are downloading something that is temporary, less in number(less remote fetches) and size(less memory) and is local to an Activity then you should consider holding the images in memory using SoftReferences. SoftReferences can lead to refetches but since the number of items is small it should be affordable.


However, if the number of items to be downloaded exceeds a certain threshold(meaning more fetches and memory) you should consider reducing the fetches and also the Runtime memory consumption by caching them. Here you can either choose to save them on Sdcard or on temporary storage(cache directories local to app). For items that are small and hold meaning only in the context of Application(e.g thumbnails), the user will mostly not use it outside of your application. So, you can store such things in the cache directory. The best part of using them is that you don't have to clean the mess. It is handled automatically. It might lead to re-fetches though.

但是,如果下载的项目规模大,可以在应用程序的环境之外单独存在,如图片,视频,音频剪辑然后SD卡应该是你的选择。你也应该阅读:在BitmapFactory.de codeStream处理大位图,以避免OOM错误(。 。)

However, if the downloaded items are large in size and can stand alone outside the context of the application such as pictures, video, audio clips then SDcard should be your option.You should also read: Handling large Bitmaps to avoid OOM error during BitmapFactory.decodeStream(..)


Note that you can also check to see if using a database can help here.See this

的几点思考,而在一个ListView延迟加载项:你应该做的在后台加载,而不是阻塞UI thread.You应该考虑出一个临时图像的项目正在下载的同时。这是许多本地应用程序明显。举一个例子实施延迟加载see这。另外,对于大的列表,你可以实现SlowAdapter模式(检查API演示)。它基本上档下载,而列表中滚动。

Some considerations while lazy loading items in a ListView:You should do the loading in the background and not block the UI thread.You should consider showing a temporary image while the item is being downloaded. This is apparent in many native applications. For an example implementation of lazy loading see this.Additionally, for large lists, you can implement the SlowAdapter pattern(check API demos).It basically stalls download while the list is scrolling.



Romain Guy's Shelves project uses two level of caching wherein he employs an in-memory cache(HashMap containing SoftReferences) and storage on Sdcard.Browse Source code here


There are also some open source libraries that Mark Murphy wrote(CWAC) and DroidFu that can help here.


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08-27 09:51