I intend to make a very specific profiling tool that listens to events of a specific type, that is, I have a type T that has it's events. I want to know every time any instance of T triggers events.
The user runs the profiling application, attaches to a process and the app starts generating the logs.
Is it possible? If true, how do I start?
几年前,我曾在类似的东西,但不完全分析。我开始的方式是通过查看源$ C $的 CLR分析器这是MSDN上,然后弄清楚它是如何连接到正在运行的应用程序,还有为c你一个小的非托管$ C $不得不做的,但它可以直接拿起从CLR探查;)
Following are some places where you could start looking at.
ICorDebug - 提供方法,允许开发人员在调试应用程序CLR。
ICorDebug - Provides methods that allow developers to debug applications in the CLR.
附加调试接口 - 所有你可以挂接到CLR的方式用于调试和分析。
Additional Debugging Interfaces - All the ways you could hook into CLR for debugging and profiling.
ICorProfilerCallback - 第一个界面来看待的分析执行。
ICorProfilerCallback - First interface to look at for profiling implementation.
Profiling interfaces - For any profiling events you want to implement.
CLR探查 - 我想看看这个源头,它做一切你想做的事。
CLR Profiler - I'd look at the source of this, it does everything you want to do.