本文介绍了Office文档以只读模式打开,无法编辑的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞!当我尝试打开任何Office文档(Word或excel)时,它将以只读模式在桌面Office客户端中打开.没有黄色提示提示单击并使其可编辑.我是SCA,所以这不是许可问题.每个人都在发生 所以我不能说这仅仅是我系统的客户端问题.共享点版本为2013 Server,Office为2010 64位.另一件事是,共享点站点也存在于excel服务的受信任位置中.除此之外,我们在该网站上使用https,并且证书都很好.此外,对于另一个SharePoint 2013服务器场,它工作正常.其网址类似于 https://sitename.domainA.com无法使用的网址是https://sitename.domainB.com这与网域相关吗?请帮助我!谢谢桑兹 解决方案 Hi,When I try to open any office document (Word or excel) it is opening in the desktop office clients with read only mode. There is no prompt in yellow to click and make it editable. I am the SCA so it is not a permission issue. This is happening for everyone so I cannot say that it is just a client issue with my system. The sharepoint version is 2013 Server and Office is 2010 64 bit.Another thing is that, the sharepoint site is present in trusted location in excel services as well. Other than that, we are using https for this site and certificates are all fine.Also, to add to this, for another SharePoint 2013 farm it is working all fine. Its url is something like https://sitename.domainA.comThe url for which is it is not working is https://sitename.domainB.comIs this something related to domains?Please help me!ThanksSangz 解决方案 这篇关于Office文档以只读模式打开,无法编辑的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云! 08-27 08:26