

我目前正在Mac上设计网站。该设计在Chrome,Safari和Firefox中正常工作。现在我要用不同版本的Internet Explorer来测试它。问题是,我目前没有访问Windows机器。在Mac上测试IE的网页设计最好的方法是什么?

I'm currently designing a website on a Mac. The design works fine in Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Now I'm about to test it with different versions of Internet Explorer. The problem is that I don't have access to a Windows machine at the moment. What's the best way to test a webdesign for IE on a Mac?



I use BrowserStack.com, which is pretty cool. But the debugging tool (Firebug) gets really slow on IE7 and IE8.

所以这里是一个让IE7,8和9在你的mac :


1) Download & Install VirtualBox

2)启动终端(位于/ Applications / Utilities /)

2) Launch the Terminal (located in /Applications/Utilities/)

您要下载和安装的Internet Explorer版本 - 每个版本的Internet Explorer都包含在VirtualBox中运行的单独的虚拟机中。换句话说,如果你想运行Internet Explorer 7,8和9,你将需要下载三个单独的虚拟机,这可能需要一段时间,请记住。选择以下文字并复制:

3) Decide which versions of Internet Explorer you want to download and install – each version of Internet Explorer is contained within a separate virtual machine that runs within VirtualBox. In other words, if you want to run Internet Explorer 7, 8, and 9, you will need to download three separate VM’s, which may take a while so keep that in mind. Select the text below and copy it:

3.1)安装所有版本的Internet Explorer:IE7,IE 8和IE 9

3.1) Install ALL versions of Internet Explorer: IE7, IE 8, and IE 9

3.2)仅安装Internet Explorer 7

3.2)Install Internet Explorer 7 Only

3.3)仅安装Internet Explorer 8

3.3) Install Internet Explorer 8 Only

curl -s | IEVMS_VERSIONS =8bash

3.4)仅安装Internet Explorer 9

3.4)Install Internet Explorer 9 Only

curl -s | IEVMS_VERSIONS =9bash

将选定命令从上面复制并粘贴到终端并按回车键,转换过程。这需要多长时间取决于您的互联网连接和您选择安装多少版本的Internet Explorer
启动VirtualBox并启动Windows& Internet Explorer - 选择与您打算使用的Internet Explorer版本相对应的虚拟机:IE7,IE8,IE9,然后单击开始按钮以使用该版本的Internet Explorer引导该Windows机器。

Copy and paste the selected command from above into the Terminal and hit return, this will start the download and conversion process. How long this takes depends on your internet connection and how many versions of Internet Explorer you chose to installLaunch VirtualBox and boot Windows & Internet Explorer – select the virtual machine corresponding to the version of Internet Explorer you intend to use: IE7, IE8, IE9, then click on the "Start" button to boot that Windows machine with that version of Internet Explorer.Remember that the default Windows admin password is "Password1″, it’s also the password hint within the VM should you forget it.


That’s really all there is to it. These commands are part of the ievsms script from xdissent and it manages the entire download, conversion, and installation procedure, it doesn’t get much easier.

VM快照Circumvent Microsofts 30天限制
此方法的另一个伟大的事情是它通过利用快照,内置于VirtualBox的功能规避微软30天的限制。这将保留原始的Windows VM状态,并允许您在没有任何时间限制的情况下继续使用IE虚拟机,只需在30天锁定发生后恢复到原始快照即可。

VM Snapshots Circumvent Microsofts 30 Day LimitationThe other great thing about this method is that it circumvents Microsofts 30 day limitation by utilizing snapshots, a feature built into VirtualBox. This preserves the original Windows VM state and allows you to continuously use the IE virtual machine without any time limitation simply by reverting to the original snapshot once the 30 day lock occurs.

要在30天的Windows到期后使用快照,只需打开VirtualBox,选择IE VM,然后单击快照按钮。从这里,您可以从创建的原始快照启动,并再次使用IE 30天。

To use a snapshot after the 30 day Windows expiration, just open VirtualBox, select the IE VM, and click on the "Snapshots" button. From here you can boot from the original snapshot that was created and use IE again for another 30 days. You can do this indefinitely, effectively having a clean IE test environment forever.



08-27 08:03