


From what I have learned about Mutexes - they generally provide a locking capability on a shared resources. So if a new thread wants to access this locked shared resource - it either quits or has to continually poll the lock (and wastes processor cycles in waiting for the lock).


However, a monitor has condition variables which provides a more asynchronous way for waiting threads - by putting them on wait queue and thereby not making them consume processor cycles.


Would this be the only advantage of monitors over mutexes (or any general locking mechanism without condition variables) ?



Mutexes are low level construct. They just provide mutual exclusion and memory visibility/ordering. Monitors, on the other hand, are higher level - they allow threads to wait for an application specific condition to hold.

因此,在某些情况下,监视器只是简单的锁定/解锁而已,不过在大多数情况下,仅 互斥体是远远不够的-因此,从概念上讲,您会看到它们与一个或多个条件变量一起使用使用等效的显示器.

So, in some cases monitors are just overkill over a simple lock/unlock, but in most cases mutexes alone are not nearly enough - so you see them used with one or more condition variables - conceptually using monitors equivalent.


08-27 04:20