



我们正在开发由服务器支持的iPhone应用程序.服务器与Facebook对话以推送Opengraph事件.我正在尝试测试此代码.我已经在网络界面中创建了Facebook测试用户.如果我为它们手动生成令牌,则令牌将在24小时到期后生成,这使得它们在测试中无用.所以我需要在测试代码中按需生成令牌. Facebook开发人员文档 https://developers.facebook.com/docs/test_users/说我可以让帐户/测试用户列出测试用户及其令牌.但是,当我这样做时,我得到了:

We're developing an iPhone app backed by a server. The server talks to Facebook in order to push Opengraph events. I'm trying to test this code. I've created Facebook test users in the web interface. If I manually generate tokens for them they get generated with a 24 hour expiry, which render them useless for the tests. So I need to generate the tokens on demand in the testcode. The Facebook developer docs https://developers.facebook.com/docs/test_users/ say I can get accounts/test-users to list the test users and their tokens. However when I do that I get this:

    error: {
        message: "(#15) This method is not supported for native apps",
        type: "OAuthException",
        code: 15


I presume this is because we are developing an iPhone app (although in the Facebook app config we have the website, facebook app and ios app sections configured).


Is there some setting I need to change to make this work? Or some other way of generating the tokens? or a way of manually generating longer lived tokens that could be hard coded into the tests?



Yes - change the 'App Mode' setting under advanced settings back to 'Web' - you should only use 'Native/Desktop' if the app secret is embedded in the client binary.


When this setting is set to 'Native/Desktop' the app secret is untrusted because any of your users could extract the secret from the client code and make calls on behalf of the app


08-26 21:30