


I have an Android and an iPhone mobile app into which I need to put a Facebook like button for marketing purposes.


The problem is that I am not sure what is really being liked when a user likes something from inside a mobile app. I have a website for the two apps (Android and iPhone) so it seems that this website should be liked when a user likes something from a mobile app.





From my experience and what i know, Facebook doesn't leave you the possibility to use a likeButton into a mobil Application, they don't want the users to be spammed by those in every apps.


From my point of view, there is two solutions, but neither are perfect :

  • 您使用Facebook OpenGraph,并创建一个网站对象类似的动作,你可以找到关于Facebook OpenGraph更多的信息上的,和最后一个。但是,如果我记得没错,你将无法创建一个名为动作喜欢,我认为Facebook将prevent它所以没有混乱的用户,但我不知道的话,那就是仍值得一试。

  • You use Facebook OpenGraph and create a like action for a Website Object, you can find more informations about Facebook OpenGraph on facebook documentation, OpenGraph web tutorial and the last one examples that are more specific to iOS. But if i remember right, you won't be able to create an action called "Like", i think facebook will prevent it so there is no confusion for the users, but as i'm not sure at all, it's still worth a try.


the second solution is to make a simple UIButton, and when you click on it you just show a webview of the facebook page you want the user to like. If you want to know if the user liked your page, you can always make a request for his likes and try to find your facebook page id in it, whenever the user did exit the webview.


I hope i answered your question.


And if ever you find a way to make a real facebook like (not an opengraph), directly in a native mobile application, i would be very interested in knowing the howto.



Actually, only the second solution would work if it's to like a facebook fanpage, as for OpenGraph you need to be able to modify the metadata sent by the page so it fits the properties of your object.


The Opengraph solution would work only to make a fake "like" on a webpage of your own.


08-26 20:24