

我最近一直在研究一些引导code这是用于与软盘驱动器的使用。我的目标是,使其使用我的USB闪存驱动器来修改程序。现在,我怎么看INT 13H功能已经用于与软盘驱动器,但我想我的问题是,如何将USB驱动器通讯有什么不同?

I have recently been studying some bootstrap code which was intended for use with a floppy drive. My goal is to modify the program so that it uses my USB flash drive. Now I see how the INT 13H function has been used with the floppy device, but I guess my question is, how will communicating with the USB drive differ?


For example, here is a snippet of the floppy code (GNU assembler):

    movb    $0x00,%dl       /* select 1st floppy */

    /* later */

    movw    sec,%cx     /* get sector number */
    movw    head,%dx    /* get head number */

    movw    $0x0201,%ax /* read 1 sector */
    int $0x13


Now I have read that moving 0x80 into %dl will select the first HDD in the BIOS. In my particular bios I can change the drive order, which would include a USB drive. I am quite sure this is becoming BIOS dependant, but I was thinking that the order listed in the BIOS could correspond to the value I move into %dl. I need to track down some documentation...


I am really unfamiliar with working with block devices as it is, can someone point me to a good place to start learning more?




The simple answer is that if the BIOS can boot from the USB flash drive the same BIOS functions for floppy disk / hard drive access can be used.

快乐的答案是,一个简单的技术允许同一引导扇区code到USB闪存驱动器上访问软盘映像是否与软盘模拟或硬盘驱动器模拟引导。如果DL = 80H(硬盘驱动器仿真)

The happy answer is that a simple technique allows the same boot sector code to access a floppy disk image on a USB flash drive whether it was booted with floppy disk emulation or hard drive emulation. If dl=80h (hard drive emulation)

  INT 13H啊= 8结果
  CH =最大扇区号(等同于每个轨道的扇区数)结果
  DH =最大头数(只加1得到的磁头数)

这返回的信息介绍仿真设备的几何形状(如DL = 0,那么它的标准的软盘几何 - 每磁道18个扇区和2头​​)。这可用于计算所需的所需的柱面磁头扇区信息:

This returned information describes the geometry of the emulated device (if dl=0 then it's standard floppy disk geometry - 18 sectors per track and 2 heads). This can be used to calculate the required Cylinder Head Sector information required for:

  INT 13H啊= 2

  INT 13H啊= 3




08-26 20:13