本文介绍了如何使 Ant 中的属性可变的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm using ant condition task to check a file existence and directory existence and below is my code

<project name="makeitmutable" basedir="." default="main">
  <target name="main">
     <condition property="folderexists?" value="Yeah" else="Nope">
          <available file="folderexistance" type="dir"/>
          <available file="a.zip" type="file"/>
     <echo>before deleting "folderexistance" folder  property folderexists?=${folderexists?}</echo>
     <delete dir="folderexistance"/>
     <!--after delete-->
      <condition property="folderexists?" value="Yeah" else="Nope">
          <available file="folderexistance" type="dir"/>
          <available file="a.zip" type="file"/>
     <!--how to make below line to print Nope ?-->
   <echo>After deleting "folderexistance" folder  property folderexists?=${folderexists?}</echo>


My output value of the property folderexists? remains same even after deleting the directory,i.e.., Nope two times

我知道 ant 属性一旦设置就无法更改,并且该解决方案的替代方案是我们可以使用

I knew that ant properties are immutable once set cannot be changed,and also an alternative to this solution is we can use


task 并调用主目标.

task and call the main target.


Is there a way to make the property mutable within that target as in the above scenario,I'm looking for other possibilities to resolve this, what's the better programming practice for this type of problem.


正如您所说,属性是不可变的.唯一的其他选择是使用来自 ant 的 var 任务- 贡献.

As you said, properties are immutable. The only other option is to use the var task from ant-contrib.

引自文档:一般情况下,不鼓励使用此任务,如果可能,应使用标准的 Ant 属性. 话虽如此,在现实生活中我使用这个很多.


这篇关于如何使 Ant 中的属性可变的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-26 13:24