


I've followed the steps described in Linking against GTest fails, and get this error.

CMake Error in src/impl/data_structures/simple_tree/CMakeLists.txt:
      Imported target "GTest::GTest" includes non-existent path



in its INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.  Possible reasons include:

  * The path was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.

  * An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.

  * The installation package was faulty and references files it does not

编辑:尽管它失去了通用性,但我替换了〜/ 路径,其中

Although it loses "generality", I replaced the ~/ path withthe full path, and then get this error:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find /home/myself/local/lib/: File format not recognized



在链接的,您是在提示 find_package()在哪里找到带有一些 GTEST _ * 变量。库变量应提供实际库文件的完全限定名称,而不是库的位置。当仅提供路径时, FindGTest.cmake 模块在包装导入的目标时将使用此路径作为实际库。这是不正确的。尝试将您的CMake修改为这样,然后从头开始重新运行CMake:

In your linked question, you are hinting to find_package() where to find GTest with a few GTEST_* variables. The library variables should provide the fully qualified name of the actual library file, not the location of the libraries. When you only provide the path, the FindGTest.cmake module uses this path as the actual library when it wraps the imported targets; this is incorrect. Try modifying your CMake to something like this, then re-run CMake from scratch:

# adding googletest
set(GOOGLETEST_PATH /home/username/local/googletest)
set(GTEST_INCLUDE_DIR /home/username/local/include/)
set(GTEST_LIBRARY /home/username/local/lib/path/to/libgtest.a)
set(GTEST_MAIN_LIBRARY /home/username/local/lib/path/to/libgtest_main.a)
find_package(GTest REQUIRED)

对于它的价值,您真的不需要在调用 find_package()之前设置所有变量。您只需要按照答案中的建议设置 GTEST_ROOT

For what it's worth, you really shouldn't have to set all of the variables before calling find_package(). You should only need to set GTEST_ROOT as suggested in this answer.


08-26 12:50