To my understanding, the following code should have printed true
as output.
However, when I ran this code it is printing false
从匿名类15.9.5. :
public class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Object o = new Object() {
System.out.println("Annonymous class is final: " + Modifier.isFinal(o.getClass().getModifiers()));
Why this code is behaving like this ?
请注意,自那时以来,该特定部分的JLS中的措词已发生了显着变化.现在(JLS 11)显示为:
Note that the wording in the JLS of that particular section has changed significantly since then. It now (JLS 11) reads:
这种措辞更改是在JLS 9中引入的.匿名类的语义和问题中方法的行为基本上保持不变,目的是避免确切地引起该问题的混淆.
This change in wording was introduced in JLS 9. The semantics of anonymous classes and the behavior of the methods in the question remained mostly unchanged, the intention was to avoid exactly the kind of confusion this question is about.
Specifically, anonymous classes are almost never generated with the ACC_FINAL flag set. We can't change this longstanding behavior without impacting some serialization clients (this would be permissible, but is unnecessarily disruptive). And we can't faithfully implement Class.getModifers (which promises to provide the "Java language modifiers") without the class files encoding the language's modifiers.
但是,更改 did 实际上在某种程度上改变了语义,并且在此票证中也对此进行了记录,作为可接受的影响:
However, the change did actually change semantics to some degree, and this was also documented in this ticket as an acceptable impact: