


In java...I have an integer array of RGB pixels, means output of my program is as follows:'

Pixel 1: 255 200 191 231
Pixel 2: 255 237 028 036
Pixel 3: 255 034 177 076
Pixel 4: 255 085 140 066
Pixel 5: 255 200 191 231
Pixel 6: 255 237 028 036
Pixel 7: 255 231 188 167
Pixel 8: 255 237 028 036
Pixel 9: 255 237 028 036
Pixel 10: 255 063 072 204
Pixel 11: 255 226 125 144
Pixel 12: 255 063 072 204
Pixel 13: 255 200 191 231
Pixel 14: 255 062 187 099
Pixel 15: 255 255 127 039
Pixel 16: 255 255 127 039
Pixel 17: 255 200 191 231
Pixel 18: 255 212 177 189
Pixel 19: 255 063 072 204
Pixel 20: 255 040 158 100
Pixel 21: 255 034 177 076
Pixel 22: 255 237 028 036
Pixel 23: 255 248 253 249
Pixel 24: 255 165 169 231
Pixel 25: 255 200 191 231

如何使用上述数据创建尺寸为5 x 5的图像.. 。?'

How can I create image of size 5 x 5 image using the above data...?'


创建 BufferedImage
Graphics / Graphics2D 对象,并使用 Graphics 对象绘制像素。

Creating a BufferedImagegetting the Graphics/Graphics2D object from the BufferedImageand painting with the Graphics object the pixels.

BufferedImage可以存储为带有 ImageIO 的文件,或显示在自己的 Component / JComponent

The BufferedImage can be stored as a File with ImageIO or displayed in an Own Component/JComponent


BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(5,5,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) bi.getGraphics();
while(i < 25){
  g.setColor(new Color(See Api for more details on how to create a Color);
  g.drawRect(i/5, i%5, 1,1);

现在你要保存一个BufferdImage ImageIO

Now you have a BufferdImage to be saved with ImageIO

ImageIO.write(bi, "png", new File(output));


Or get a New JComponent and overwrite its paint Method. There are plenty resources for this task.


08-26 10:49