

我正在寻找一些LaTeX模板来创建高质量的输出.在R-blogger上,我碰到了Frank Harrel的Rreport软件包.由于我的LaTeX功能比较适中,因此只有用户友好(和noob友好)的界面就足够了.这是与官方网站的链接.我正在按照说明进行操作,但是无法管理安装应用程序.我使用Ubuntu 9.10,R版本是2.10.1(从UCLA的CRAN服务器定期更新),当然,我的系统上安装了cvs.

I'm looking for some LaTeX template for creating quality output. On R-bloggers I've bumped on Frank Harrel's Rreport package. Due to my quite modest LaTeX abilities, only a user-friendly (and noob-friendly) interface should suffice. Here's a link to an official website. I'm following the instructions, but I cannot manage to install an app. I use Ubuntu 9.10, R version is 2.10.1 (updated regularly from UCLA's CRAN server), and of course, cvs is installed on my system.


Now, I'd like to know if there is some user-friendly LaTeX template package (Sweave is still to advanced/spartan for me). I'm aware that my question is quite confounding, but a brief glance on examples on Rreport page should give you a hint. I'm aware that LaTeX skills are a must, but just for now I need something that will suit my needs (as a psychological researcher).


Is there any package similar with Rreport?


lyx? http://www.lyx.org/


sudo apt-get install lyx



08-26 10:43