



所以我的问题是:是否有(本地) PHP的日期(W)?

编辑:我想我以非常不清楚的方式写了这个问题的第一个版本,所以这是我的编辑:我正在寻找一个功能,给一年的第一天的正确的日历周。 PHP的日期(W)在2012年1月1日返回52,这是错误的。它应该为0或为空。据官方消息,一年的第一个日历周从一年的第一个星期一开始。所以,如果一年的第一天不是星期一,那不是第1周!这是第0周。说





  $ w =(int)date('W'); 
$ m =(int)date('n');
$ w = $ w == 1?($ m == 12?53:1):( $ w> = 51?($ m == 1?0:$ w):$ w)

echoweek $ w in.date('Y');

2013-12-31 ==> 2013年第53周

2014-01-01 ==> 2014年的第1周

2015-12-31 ==> 2015年第52周

2016-01-01 ==> 2016年第0周

一个小的测试运行,所以你可以看到自己; - )

  $ id = array(25,26,27,28,29,30,31,1,2,3 ,4,5,6,7,8); ($ iy = 2013; $ iy< 2067; ++ $ iy){foreach($ id as $ k => $ v){if($ k< 7){$ im = 12;} else {$ im = 1;} 
if($ k == 7){++ $ iy; echo'====< br>';} $ tme = strtotime($ im / $ v / $ iy);
echo date('d-m-Y',$ tme),'* *';
$ w =(int)date('W',$ tme);
$ m =(int)date('n',$ tme);
$ w = $ w == 1?($ m == 12?53:1):( $ w> = 51?($ m == 1?0:$ w):$ w)
echo'< b> WEEK:',$ w,'---',' YEAR:',date('Y',$ tme),'< / b>< br>';} - $ iy;
echo'----------------------------------< br>';}

As the headline says, PHP's date("W") function gives back the calendar week (for the current day). Unfortunatly it gives back 52 or 53 for the first day(s) of most years. This is, in a simple thinking way, correct, but very annoying, as January 1st of 2012 is not calendar week 52, it's NOT a calendar week of the current year. Most calendars define this as week 0 or week 52 of the previous year.

This is very tricky when you group each day of the year by their calendar week: 1st of January 2012 and 31st of December 2012 are both put into the same calendar week group.

So my question is: Is there a (native) year-sensitive alternative to PHP's date("W") ?

EDIT: I think I wrote the first version of this question in a very unclear way, so this is my edit: I'm searching for a function that gives back the correct calendar week for the first day(s) of the year. PHP's date("W") gives back 52 for the 1st of January 2012, which is "wrong". It should be 0 or null. According to official sources, the first calendar week of a year starts on the first monday of the year. So, if the first day of a year is not a monday, it's not week 1 ! It's week 0. The wikipedia article says

If 1 January is on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, it is in week 01. If 1 January is on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, it is in week 52 or 53 of the previous year.

This becomes tricky as the last days of the year are also in week 52/53. date("W") does not divide into current year and previous year.


This solution converts the excess of december to week 53 and everything in january prior to week 1 to week 0.


echo "week $w in ".date('Y');

2013-12-31 ==> week 53 in 2013

2014-01-01 ==> week 1 in 2014

2015-12-31 ==> week 52 in 2015

2016-01-01 ==> week 0 in 2016

And a small test run, so you can see for yourself ;-)

for($iy=2013;$iy<2067;++$iy){foreach($id as $k=>$v){if($k<7){$im=12;}else{$im=1;}
if($k==7){++$iy;echo '====<br>';}$tme=strtotime("$im/$v/$iy");
echo date('d-m-Y',$tme),'  * *  ';
//THE ACTUAL CODE =================
//THE ACTUAL CODE =================
echo '<b>WEEK: ',$w,' --- ','YEAR: ',date('Y',$tme),'</b><br>';}--$iy;
echo '----------------------------------<br>';}


08-26 09:15