

我正在尝试使用c更新MySQL InnoDB表. 1亿行.查询需要将近一个小时,这是没有问题的.

I am trying to update a MySQL InnoDB table with c. 100 million rows. The query takes close to an hour, which is not a problem.


However, I'd like to split this update into smaller chunks in order not to block table access. This update does not have to be an isolated transaction.


At the same time, the splitting of the update should not be too expensive in terms of additional overhead.

我考虑使用 在过程中遍历表:

I considered looping through the table in a procedure using :

UPDATE TABLENAME SET NEWVAR=<expression> LIMIT batchsize, offset,


But UPDATE does not have an offset option in MySQL.


I understand I could try to UPDATE ranges of data that are SELECTed on a key, together with the LIMIT option, but that seems rather complicated for that simple task.



I ended up with the procedure listed below. It works but I am not sure whether it is efficient with all the queries to identify consecutive ranges. It can be called with the following arguments (example):

call chunkUpdate('SET var=0','someTable','theKey',500000);

基本上,第一个参数是更新命令(例如"set x = ..."之类的命令),其后是mysql表名,其后是必须唯一的数字(整数)键,然后是要处理的块的大小.密钥应具有合理性能的索引.可以删除下面代码中的"n"变量和"select"语句,仅用于调试.

Basically, the first argument is the update command (e.g. something like "set x = ..."), followed by the mysql table name, followed by a numeric (integer) key that has to be unique, followed by the size of the chunks to be processed. The key should have an index for reasonable performance. The "n" variable and the "select" statements in the code below can be removed and are only for debugging.

delimiter //
CREATE PROCEDURE chunkUpdate (IN cmd VARCHAR(255), IN tab VARCHAR(255), IN ky VARCHAR(255),IN sz INT)
  SET @sqlgetmin = CONCAT("SELECT MIN(",ky,")-1 INTO @minkey FROM ",tab);
  SET @sqlgetmax = CONCAT("SELECT MAX(",ky,") INTO @maxkey FROM ( SELECT ",ky," FROM ",tab," WHERE ",ky,">@minkey ORDER BY ",ky," LIMIT ",sz,") AS TMP");
  SET @sqlstatement = CONCAT("UPDATE ",tab," ",cmd," WHERE ",ky,">@minkey AND ",ky,"<=@maxkey");
  SET @n=1;

  PREPARE getmin from @sqlgetmin;
  PREPARE getmax from @sqlgetmax;
  PREPARE statement from @sqlstatement;

  EXECUTE getmin;

    EXECUTE getmax;
    SELECT cmd,@n AS step, @minkey AS min, @maxkey AS max;
    EXECUTE statement;
    set @minkey=@maxkey;
    set @n=@n+1;
  UNTIL @maxkey IS NULL
  select CONCAT(cmd, " EXECUTED IN ",@n," STEPS") AS MESSAGE;


08-26 08:56