I have ~100,000 to 1,000,000 rows to insert into an Oracle18c database. I'm quite new with Oracle and this order of magnitude of data. I reckon there must be some optimal way to do it, but for now I've only managed to implement a line by line insertion:
def insertLines(connection, tableName, column_names, rows):
cursor = connection.cursor()
if tableExists(connection, tableName):
for row in rows:
sql = 'INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})'.format(tableName, column_names, row)
Oracle中是否有一些清晰的方法可以使用cx_Oracle(python Oracle库)将行进行批量处理以提高有效性?
Is there some clear way in Oracle to bulk the rows to reach higher effectivity using cx_Oracle (the python Oracle library)?
I read the data from a CSV file.
如果您的数据已经在Python中,请使用 executemany()
.对于有这么多行的情况,您可能仍将执行多次调用以插入一批记录.请参见 https://blogs.oracle .com/opal/efficiency-and-scalable-batch-statement-execution-in-python-cx_oracle
If your data is already in Python, then use executemany()
. In your case with so many rows, you probably would still execute multiple calls to insert batches of records. See https://blogs.oracle.com/opal/efficient-and-scalable-batch-statement-execution-in-python-cx_oracle
data = [
(60, "Parent 60"),
(70, "Parent 70"),
(80, "Parent 80"),
(90, "Parent 90"),
(100, "Parent 100")
insert into ParentTable (ParentId, Description)
values (:1, :2)""", data)
- 避免在语句中使用字符串插值,因为这有安全风险.通常,这也是一个可伸缩性问题.使用绑定变量.在需要对列名称之类的内容使用字符串插值的地方,请确保您将所有值都弄上了一行.
- 如果数据已经在磁盘上,那么使用SQL * Loader或Data Pump之类的方法要比将其读取到cx_Oracle然后发送给DB更好.
- Avoid using string interpolation in statements because it is a security risk.It is also generally a scalability problem. Use bind variables. Where you need to use string interpolation for things like column names, make sure you santize any values.
- If the data is already on disk, then using something like SQL*Loader or Data Pump will be better than reading it into cx_Oracle and then sending it to the DB.