本文介绍了在存储过程中使用带有 exec @sql 的临时表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个存储过程,其中一部分如下:@DRange 是传入的 varchar 值

I have a stored procedure and part of them as below:@DRange is a incoming varchar value

declare @sql varchar(max)
set @sql = 'select * into #tmpA from TableA where create_date >= getDate - ' + @DRange + '' and is_enabled = 1'

exec (@sql)

select * from #tmpA


The problem is when I execute the stored procedure, an error message occurs:Cannot find the object "#tmpA" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.


Is it not possible to use temp table and execute it or did I do something wrong?


#tmpA 在不同的范围内创建,因此在动态 SQL 之外不可见.您可以使最终的 SELECT 成为动态 SQL 的一部分.还有其他一些事情:

#tmpA is created in a different scope, so is not visible outside of the dynamic SQL. You can just make the ultimate SELECT a part of the dynamic SQL. Also a couple of other things:

  • Always use the schema prefix when creating/referencing objects
  • Always use sp_executesql for dynamic SQL; in this case it allows you to parameterize the @DRange value and avoid SQL injection risks.
  • Always prefix Unicode strings with N - Unicode is required for sp_executesql but if you get lazy about this in other areas of your code it can also lead to painful implicit conversions.

SET @sql = N'select * into #tmpA from dbo.TableA
    where create_date >= DATEADD(DAY, -@DRange, GETDATE())
    AND is_enabled = 1; SELECT * FROM #tmpA';

EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@DRange INT', @DRange;

当然,如果您所做的只是选择,我就很难理解为什么这是动态 SQL.我假设您的查询(或您稍后对临时表执行的操作)比这更复杂 - 如果是这样,请不要为我们愚蠢.告诉我们你的整个问题将避免很多来回,因为额外的细节可能会改变答案.

Of course if all you're doing is selecting, I have a hard time understanding why this is dynamic SQL in the first place. I assume your query (or what you later do with the temp table) is more complicated than this - if so, don't dumb it down for us. Telling us your whole problem will prevent a lot of back and forth, as the additional details could change the answer.

这篇关于在存储过程中使用带有 exec @sql 的临时表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-26 08:14