



我正在尝试为使用AJAX的重复结算协议发生的交易退款,但我不断收到类似404、501和500的错误.我对Paypal沙箱的所有其他API调用均成功返回.我正在从返回事务数组(/v1/payments/billing-agreements/<Agreement-Id>/transactions?start_date=yyyy-mm-dd&end_date=yyyy-mm-dd)的get请求中获取事务ID.有人知道我的API调用是否有此问题,或者Paypal不允许定期结算退款吗?另外,如果有一种方法可以使用Paypal的RESTful API仅仅将钱还给客户,那么这也是一种反馈.

I am trying to create a refund for a transaction that happened over a recurring billing agreement using AJAX but I keep getting errors like 404, 501, and 500 errors. All my other API calls to Paypal's sandbox come back successfully. I am getting the transaction ID from a get request that returns an array of transactions (/v1/payments/billing-agreements/<Agreement-Id>/transactions?start_date=yyyy-mm-dd&end_date=yyyy-mm-dd). Do any of you know if this is an issue with my API call or if Paypal doesn't allow refunds on recurring billing? Also if there is a way to just return money back to the customer using Paypal's RESTful API that would also be feedback.




When you do the search transactions API call, it'll return a few different fields with transaction_id. You will have ones for when the agreement is agreed to or modified. These will generally have 'I-' at the beginning. These are not refundable. But, they will also provide ones with the status "completed" that are for the actual payments. These are the ones that can be refunded.

如果您退还"I-",则将收到INVALID RESOURCE ID错误消息.

If you are refunding the "I-" ones, you will get the INVALID RESOURCE ID error.


08-26 08:02