

本文介绍了是否应该每次都使用PDO :: ATTR_PERSISTENT?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用PDO与数据库建立连接时,是否应该每次都使用PDO属性PDO :: ATTR_PERSISTENT?它说这将为该用户创建一个持久连接,并且每次您请求数据库连接时都将抓住相同的连接,而不是重新建立一个新连接.为什么这不是默认值?有什么理由不使用它吗?

When establishing a connection to a database using PDO, should the PDO attribute PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT be used every time? It says that this creates a persistant connection for that user, and will grab that same connection instead of re-establishing a new one each time you ask for a database connection. Why isn't this the default? Is there any reason not to use it?



The issue with persistant connections is that the number of connections available to MySQL is limited. If something goes wrong and that connection isn't closed, the server is going to leave it open for a long time. If the server runs out of connections, then every single application tied to it is going to be unavailable until someone intervenes.


You can probably expect something to go wrong from time to time, and under the wrong circumstances the problem of resource over-usage can leak into months if not noticed, leaving you with a very gradual degrade in performance and increase in system utilization over time (all for no gain).


Here is one good article that can help you. It focuses on MySQL, but most of the same thoughts can be generalized across the spectrum of DBMS's.


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