在哪里可以找到 pentaho 社区文件,它是如何安装的,以及如何访问用户控制台?
Where can I find the pentaho community files, how is it installed, and how do I access the user console?
Pentaho 文件位于:https://sourceforge.net/projects/pentaho/files
Pentaho files are found at:https://sourceforge.net/projects/pentaho/files
The server is in the 'Business Intelligence Server' folder.
下载最新版本的zip文件,解压.在解压目录所在的位置打开一个终端,然后 cd 进入该目录.现在运行 ./start-pentaho.sh.这是一个java应用程序,所以请确保你已经安装了java.
Download the zip file of the latest version, and unzip it. Open a terminal at the location of the unziped directory, and then cd into the directory. Now run ./start-pentaho.sh. It is a java application, so make sure you have java installed.
服务器现在正在运行,默认情况下可以通过 localhost:8080 的 Web 浏览器访问用户控制台".这对我来说很慢,仅供参考.默认登录名是admin"和password".
The server is now running, and the 'user console' can be accessed through a web browser at localhost:8080 by default. It was very slow for me, just fyi. The default login is 'admin' and 'password'.