

有人使用过 Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG 吗?我正在考虑从 CKEDITOR 转移到 Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG.理想情况下,我喜欢使用 etherpad 编辑器,但似乎没有人将编辑器与所有应用程序分开.

Does anyone have experience with Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG? I'm thinking of moving from CKEDITOR to Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG. Ideally I'd love to use the etherpad editor but it doesn't appear that anyone has separated the editor from all the app.

无论如何,对于 Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG,有谁知道,它是否支持在 Google Docs 中看到的实时协作方面?

Anyhow, for Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG, does anyone know, does it support the real-time collaborative aspects seen in Google Docs?


Google Closure 编辑器是内置浏览器编辑功能的包装器.因此,它类似于 TinyMCE、CKEditor 等其他富文本编辑器.它的功能不如其中任何一个丰富,但更小、更快.Gmail(最显着)和各种其他 Google 资产使用基本编辑器.

The Google Closure editor is a wrapper around the built-in browser editing capabilities. It is thus similar to other rich text editors like TinyMCE, CKEditor, etc. It is less feature-rich than either of those, but it's smaller and faster. The base editor is used by Gmail (most notably) and various other Google properties.

公共 Google Closure 编辑器中没有任何内容可以启用 Google 文档风格的实时协作.话虽如此,它有一个插件模型,可让您添加新功能.如果对使用 Google Closure 没有深入了解,我不建议您进行此类操作.

There is nothing within the public Google Closure editor to enable Google Docs style real-time collaboration. With that said, it has a plugin model which enables you to add new functionality. I would not recommend taking something like this on without a solid understanding of working with Google Closure.

直到最近,该编辑器还被 Google Docs 使用.然而,核心浏览器编辑技术的局限性成为了创新的障碍,因此他们构建了自己的编辑界面[1,2](代号 Kix).此编辑表面不包含在 Closure Library 中.

Until recently, the editor was also used by Google Docs. However, the limitations of core browser editing technology became a barrier to innovation, so they built their own editing surface[1,2] (codenamed Kix). This editing surface is not included in Closure Library.

  1. https://drive.googleblog.com/2010/04/a-rebuilt-more-real-time-google.html
  2. https://drive.googleblog.com/2010/05/whats-different-about-new-google-docs.html


08-26 07:41