


Here is my issue, I am selecting and doing multiple joins to get the correct items...it pulls in a fair amount of rows, above 100,000. This query takes more than 5mins when the date range is set to 1 year.


I don't know if it's possible but I am afraid that the user might extend the date range to like ten years and crash it.


Anyone know how I can speed this up? Here is the query.

SELECT DISTINCT t1.first_name, t1.last_name, t1.email
FROM table1 AS t1
INNER JOIN table2 AS t2 ON t1.CU_id = t2.O_cid
INNER JOIN table3 AS t3 ON t2.O_ref = t3.I_oref
INNER JOIN table4 AS t4 ON t3.I_pid = t4.P_id
INNER JOIN table5 AS t5 ON t4.P_cat = t5.C_id
WHERE t1.subscribe =1
AND t1.Cdate >= $startDate
AND t1.Cdate <= $endDate
AND t5.store =2


I am not the greatest with mysql so any help would be appreciated!




id  select_type     table   type    possible_keys   key     key_len     ref     rows    Extra
1   SIMPLE  t5  ref     PRIMARY,C_store_type,C_id,C_store_type_2    C_store_type_2  1   const   101     Using temporary
1   SIMPLE  t4  ref     PRIMARY,P_cat   P_cat   5   alphacom.t5.C_id    326     Using where
1   SIMPLE  t3  ref     I_pid,I_oref    I_pid   4   alphacom.t4.P_id    31
1   SIMPLE  t2  eq_ref  O_ref,O_cid     O_ref   28  alphacom.t3.I_oref  1
1   SIMPLE  t1  eq_ref  PRIMARY     PRIMARY     4   alphacom.t2.O_cid   1   Using where


Also I added an index to table5 rows and table4 rows because they don't really change, however the other tables get around 500-1000 entries a month... I heard you should add an index to a table that has that many new entries....is this true?




First, ensure there are indexes on the following tables and columns (each set of columns in parentheses should be a separate index):

table1 : (subscribe, CDate)
table2 : (O_cid)
table3 : (I_oref)
table4 : (P_id)
table5 : (C_id, store)


Second, if adding the above indexes didn't improve things as much as you'd like, try rewriting the query as

SELECT DISTINCT t1.first_name, t1.last_name, t1.email FROM
  (SELECT CU_id, t1.first_name, t1.last_name, t1.email
     FROM table1
     WHERE subscribe = 1 AND
           CDate >= $startDate AND
           CDate <= $endDate) AS t1
  INNER JOIN table2 AS t2
    ON t1.CU_id = t2.O_cid
  INNER JOIN table3 AS t3
    ON t2.O_ref = t3.I_oref
  INNER JOIN table4 AS t4
    ON t3.I_pid = t4.P_id
  INNER JOIN (SELECT C_id FROM table5 WHERE store = 2) AS t5
    ON t4.P_cat = t5.C_id


I'm hoping here that the first sub-select would cut down significantly on the number of rows to be considered for joining, hopefully making the subsequent joins do less work. Ditto the reasoning behind the second sub-select on table5.


In any case, mess with it. I mean, ultimately it's just a SELECT - you can't really hurt anything with it. Examine the plans that are generated by each different permutation and try to figure out what's good or bad about each.



08-26 07:32