


I am helping a friend with their VSTS build and we are using both build identifiers

  • $(Build.BuildId)
  • $(Build.BuildNumber)

这是特定于Xamarin.iOS构建的,其中我们使用新的VSTS Build任务来更新Info.Plist.我们需要使用$(Build.BuildId)作为版本代码,它只是一个递增的数字.然后,我们要使用$(Build.BuildNumber)作为实际的版本名称.如果要将其格式化为构建字符串,则将如下所示:

This is specific to a Xamarin.iOS build where we are using the new VSTS Build tasks for updating the Info.Plist. We need to use the $(Build.BuildId) for the version code which is just a number that increments. Then we want to use the $(Build.BuildNumber) for the actual Version Name. If was to format this into the build string it would look like this:

  • $(Build.BuildNumber) = 1.0.0
  • $(Build.BuildId) = 148
  • 结果= 1.0.0(148)
  • $(Build.BuildNumber) = 1.0.0
  • $(Build.BuildId) = 148
  • Result = 1.0.0 (148)


The problem is we have already submitted our app to the app store with a larger build ID then what our current build is at. Instead of running the build X number of times to sync it up we would like to manually update the BuildId so we can start using this for our full workflow.




The predefined variable Build.BuildId value is unique to record echo build in the VSTS account.


Even you can change the value by logging command, but it can only work for the current build, when you queue next the build, the build ID will continue increased without any effect.

即使当前Build.BuildId为148,即使您在构建中将Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Build.BuildId]2148"的值使用100,但是当另一个构建排队时,Build.BuildId也将为149.

Such as current Build.BuildId is 148, even if you use the value to 100 by Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Build.BuildId]2148" in a build, but when another build is queued, the Build.BuildId will be 149.

解决方法是使用用户定义的变量代替Build.BuildId :

The work around is using a user defined variable instead Build.BuildId:


Add a user defined variable such as custom.BuildId and set the value with ($(Build.BuildID)+GapNumber).


Such as if the current Build.BuildID is 148, while the build ID you submitted in app store is 2148, so you can use the custom.BuildId with the value ($(Build.BuildID)+2000). Then use the variables $(custom.BuildId) and $(Build.BuildNumber) for your app.

用于下一个版本. custom.BuildId值为1149.

For next build. The custom.BuildId value will be 1149.


10-22 13:24