



我有一个正在为客户创建的wordpress网站临时托管在 http://dev.eatfit上. co.nz/

I have a wordpress website I'm creating for a client temporarily hosted on http://dev.eatfit.co.nz/

我注意到经常(但不是每次)浏览页面(例如主页)时,我认为google pagespeed在线服务似乎是在动态地重写url来优化内容,所以我收到类似这样的网址(在提琴手或.html源文件中可见)

I'm noticing that often (but not every time) that I browse a page (for example the home page), what I assume is the google pagespeed online service seems to rewrite the url's on the fly to optimise things, so I get urls like this coming back to me (viewable in fiddler or in the .html source)


我不想发生,我想关闭google pagespeed,因为它错误地优化了css并不断进行缓存,因此测试更新很痛苦.

I do not want to happen and I want to turn off the google pagespeed as it is incorrectly optimising the css and also constantly caching so testing updates is painful.

奇怪的是,我从未为此网站打开过在线google pagespeed,并且在我的wordpress安装中没有专门的优化插件可以执行此操作.我查了他们的在线服务,显然您必须输入一个特殊的cname dns条目才能使pagespeed正常工作-但此域上不存在这样的cname.

The strange thing is I've never turned on the online google pagespeed for this website and there are no special optimisation plug-ins in my wordpress install doing this. I looked up their online service and apparently you have to put in a special cname dns entry to get pagespeed to work - but no such cname exists on this domain.


It appears that somewhere between the hosting company server and my client computer the urls are being automatically rewritten. How is this happening and how can it be stopped.



It looks like mod_pagespeed is installed on the host.

如果您无权对其网站禁用它,则可以在浏览器中将?ModPagespeed = off 添加到URL的末尾

If you don't have access to disable it for your site, you can add ?ModPagespeed=off to the end of your URL in the browser like this



08-26 06:13