I am using Node.js and Mongoose to access my MongoDB. I am using a model that stores some geo coordinates. I have them indexed and everything seems to work as expected. What I am trying to do is to retrieve the most near things from my request. On the MongoDB console I do something like this:
distances = db.runCommand({ geoNear : "deals", near : [11.252, 14.141], spherical : true, maxDistance : 300 }).results
但是,我不确定如何用猫鼬来做到这一点.以下是有关我要使用的命令的更多信息: http://www.mongodb. org/display/DOCS/Geospatial + Indexing
However, I am not sure how to do this with Mongoose. Here is more information about the command I am trying to use: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Geospatial+Indexing
First of all there is not yet a convenience wrapper to use geoNear with Mongoose directly (given that you want to read the calculated distance).
但是,由于Mongoose集合代理了所有来自本地 MongoDB本机驱动程序,您可以只使用其 geoNear方法,尽管您不得不放弃Mongoose可能带来的一些便利,但在我的发现中,错误处理有点不同.
But since Mongoose collections proxies all collection methods from the native MongoDB native driver you can just use their geoNear method, though you have to give up a little bit of convenience you might expect from Mongoose and in my findings the error handling was a little bit different.
Anyway, this is how you could use said API:
YourModel.collection.geoNear(lon, lat, {spherical: true, maxDistance: d}, function(err, docs) {
if (docs.results.length == 1) {
var distance = docs.results[0].dis;
var match = docs.results[0].obj;
Please refer to the docs for correct error handling and how to calculate the distances.