



Hi then the query I'm running below works correctly but it is very slow to perform the operations as I can to speed it up? Unfortunately it is a very oneorose query and I have to run it on a server sql 2014 some advice? 

UPDATE KilometriCantiereRapportoMobile
    SET IdRapportoMobile = @IdRapporto
    WHERE IdKilometri IN (SELECT
    FROM Kilometri
    INNER JOIN KilometriCantiereRapportoMobile
      ON Kilometri.IdKilometri = KilometriCantiereRapportoMobile.IdKilometri
    WHERE KilometriCantiereRapportoMobile.IdRapportoMobile IS NULL
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), @Data, 105) = CONVERT(varchar(10), Kilometri.Data, 105)
    AND Kilometri.IdCantiere = @IdCantiere
    AND Kilometri.IdUtenteInserimento = @IdUtente);   /*Articoli */
    UPDATE ArticoloCantiereRapportoMobile
    SET IdRapportoMobile = @IdRapporto
    WHERE IdArticoloCantiere IN (SELECT
    FROM ArticoloCantiere
    INNER JOIN ArticoloCantiereRapportoMobile
      ON ArticoloCantiere.IdArticoloCantiere = ArticoloCantiereRapportoMobile.IdArticoloCantiere
    WHERE ArticoloCantiereRapportoMobile.IdRapportoMobile IS NULL
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), @Data, 105) = CONVERT(varchar(10), ArticoloCantiere.Data, 105)
    AND ArticoloCantiere.IdCantiere = @IdCantiere
    AND ArticoloCantiere.IdUtente = @IdUtente);  /* risorse */
    UPDATE RisorsaRapportoMobile
    SET IdRapportoMobile = @IdRapporto
    WHERE IdRisorseUmane IN (SELECT
    FROM RisorsaRapportoMobile
    INNER JOIN RisorseUmane
      ON RisorseUmane.IdRisorseUmane = RisorsaRapportoMobile.IdRisorseUmane
    WHERE RisorsaRapportoMobile.IdRapportoMobile IS NULL
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), @Data, 105) = CONVERT(varchar(10), RisorseUmane.Data, 105)
    AND RisorseUmane.IdCantiere = @IdCantiere
    AND RisorseUmane.IdUtenteInserimento = @IdUtente)


重新启动sql server

What I have tried:

restart sql server


UPDATE RRM SET IdRapportoMobile = @IdRapporto
FROM RisorsaRapportoMobile RRM
INNER JOIN RisorseUmane RU ON RU.IdRisorseUmane = RRM.IdRisorseUmane
WHERE RRM.IdRapportoMobile IS NULL
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), @Data, 105) = CONVERT(varchar(10), RU.Data, 105)
    AND RU.IdCantiere = @IdCantiere
    AND RU.IdUtenteInserimento = @IdUtente

查看有关使用CONVERT的评论 - 摆脱它们。确保@Data是日期(不是 datetime 日期自SQL2008以来一直存在,因此它将适用于2014)。如果RisorseUmane.Data是数据库上的日期时间,则尝试使用

See the comments about the use of CONVERT - get rid of those. Ensure @Data is a date (not a datetime. Date has been around since SQL2008 so it will work with 2014). If RisorseUmane.Data is a datetime on the database then try using

AND @Data = CAST(RU.Data AS date)


您正在加入关于字符串的表格并不总是最好的 - 如果您有改变的范围,那么它可能会有所帮助。






It should be faster than converting to strings.

You're joining tables on strings which isn't always the best - if you have scope to change that then it might help a little.

Temp tables will almost certainly help, as you will be limiting the data examined both in depth and width and you can also add indexes to the temp tables. Don't be tempted to use CTEs however.

There are some CodeProject articles that might also help you when it comes to tuning performance:
SQL Tuning Tutorial - Understanding a Database Execution Plan (1)[^]
SQL Server Profiler Step by Step[^]
How to Analyze SQL Server Performance[^]


08-26 06:04