本文介绍了如何限制Sequelize JS中belongsToMany关联的包含?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前在 Sequelize 中有以下模型:

I currently have the following models in Sequelize:


ProductList.belongsToMany(models.Product, { as: 'products', through:
sequelize.models.ProductListProduct, foreignKey: 'productListId'});


我目前正在尝试让一系列 productList 显示在我的主页上,

I am currently trying to get a series of productList to show on my homepage,

并且需要将退回的产品限制为特定值(在本例中为 6):

and would need to limit the returned products to a certain value (6 in this case):

let productLists = await ProductList.findAll({
        where: {
            slug: ['recommended', 'new_and_promos']
        include: [{
            model: Product,
            as: 'products',
            include: ['attributes', 'images'],
            where: {
                active: true
        order: [
                'products', ProductListProduct, 'position', 'ASC'

这是当前的提取,但是如果我对包含添加一个限制,它会告诉我只有 hasMany 可以有 {separate: true}

This is the current fetch, however if I add a limit to the include, it tells me that only hasMany can have {separate: true} ;

总结一下,我想要实现的是返回 n 个 ProductList,每个 ProductList 只附加了 m 个 Product.

To recap, what I'm trying to achieve is to return n ProductList, each with just m Product attached.



Managed to get it working like this, doesn't look ideal but it does the job:

let productLists = await ProductList.findAll({
            where: {
                slug: ['recommended', 'new_and_promos']
            include: [{
                model: Product,
                as: 'products',
                include: ['attributes', 'images'],
                where: Sequelize.literal('`products->ProductListProduct`.`position` < 8')
            order: [
                    'products', ProductListProduct, 'position', 'ASC'

这篇关于如何限制Sequelize JS中belongsToMany关联的包含?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-26 05:41