


I'm setting up an ebay like website where there are buyers are sellers. When a user (both buyer and seller) signs up, I make them sign a paypal billing agreement with me. When a buyer sells an item, I charge the seller using the billing agreement.

我被困的是根据帐单协议将这笔款项发送给卖方 .我意识到我可以使用MassPay或Adaptive Payments API来向卖方付款,但是这些接口都没有采用计费协议ID.他们俩都只使用卖方的电子邮件地址.这是否意味着我需要在进行批量付款/自适应付款呼叫之前通过GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails检索用户的电子邮件地址?

What I'm stuck on is sending that amount to the seller using the billing agreement. I realize I can use the MassPay or Adaptive Payments API to pay the seller but neither of those interfaces taking a billing agreement ID. They both only take the seller's email address. Does that mean I need to retrieve the user's email address via GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails before making the masspay / adaptive payments call?



I would look into Preapproved Payments if I were you. Your users would setup a preapproval profile instead of a billing agreement. Then you can send money on behalf of any user using their preapproval key.

具体来说,您将使用预批准API创建配置文件,然后使用包含预批准密钥的Pay API在必要时提交付款.

Specifically, you'll use the Preapproval API to create the profiles and then the Pay API with a preapproval key included to submit payments when necessary.


08-26 05:19