




,我意识到如果我从<$ c $修改

和我的 Driver class for MR 我添加了,

  Configuration conf = new Configuration(); 
conf.addResource(new Path(/ my / local / system / path / to / core-site.xml));
conf.addResource(新路径(/ usr / lib / hadoop-0.20-mapreduce / conf / hdfs-site.xml));

MR 从本地系统获取输入,将输出写入 hdfs:

I gave an input to the mapper from a local filesystem.It is running successfully from eclipse,But not running from the cluster as it is unable to find the local input path saying:input path does not exist.Please can anybody help me how to give a local file path to a mapper so that it can run in the cluster and i can get the output in hdfs


This is a very old question. Recently faced the same issue.I am not aware of how correct this solution is it worked for me though. Please bring to notice if there are any drawbacks of this.Here's what I did.

Reading a solution from the mail-archives, I realised if i modify fs.default.name from hdfs://localhost:8020/ to file:/// it can access the local file system. However, I didnt want this for all my mapreduce jobs. So I made a copy of core-site.xml in a local system folder (same as the one from where I would submit my MR jar to hadoop jar).

and in my Driver class for MR I added,

Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.addResource(new Path("/my/local/system/path/to/core-site.xml"));
conf.addResource(new Path("/usr/lib/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce/conf/hdfs-site.xml"));

The MR takes input from local system and writes the output to hdfs:


08-26 05:08