

我已经安装了GitHub for Windows和GitExtensions,并且在我的路径中有多个版本的git.exe。

  C:\ Users \Rajat\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_93e8418133eb85e81a81e5e19c272776524496c6\cmd\git.exe 
C:\ Users \Rajat\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_93e8418133eb85e81a81e5e19c272776524496c6\bin\git.exe

现在,当我执行 git push origin master 时,三个 git.exe s,它会要求输入我的用户名。但便携式Git不要求用户名。看到下面的截图:

心形字符只是 ^ C ,所以忽略它。




对于Windows本身的GitHub, :gpg加密)


  machine github .com 


Y然后只保留〜/ .netrc.gpg %HOME%/ _ netrc.gpg

但是,如果您启用了上述新的双重身份验证,那么' xxxx '将不会是您的GitHub帐户:请参阅下一节关于个人访问令牌。



匿名访问user / repo.git denied

以下是您将看到的内容( gpg 部分是因为我使用


  • 您的GitHub帐户密码

  • 您的2FA密钥

  • 您的2FA恢复代码

  • li>


I have installed GitHub for Windows and also GitExtensions and have multiple versions of git.exe in my path.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe

Now, when I do git push origin master with any of the last three git.exes, it asks for my username. But the Portable Git doesn't ask for username. See the following screenshot:

The heart-shaped character is just a ^C so ignore that.

How is authentication being taken care of in this case? Ultimately I want the last three Gits to not ask for authorization. How's that possible?

I found two extra files in the GitHub's Git but I doubt they matter at all:


For GitHub for Windows itself, Paul Betts (GitHub staff) gently reminds everyone that G4W already includes a credential helper (based on CryptProtect and I suppose the CryptProtectData function)
See his answer below.

For those who don't use G4W, read on.

To add to my previous answer (when pushing to GitHub through the console/command-line):

A file like ~/.netrc (on Unix) or %HOME%/_netrc (on Windows) can help you to avoid entering your credential for every git push you would make to GitHub.

You can store as many credentials you need in a netrc file.
(for GitHub or other repo hosting providers)

  • you don't want to store your main GitHub password account
  • you don't want those in a plain text file.

The following sections address those issues:

Enable the two-factor authentication (2FA) on your GitHub account

(September 3rd, 2013)

Configure 2FA through an application, always through an app, never through a text SMS, if you can avoid it.

The reason is, through that activation process, you have access to your two-factor secret key, which is used to generate the second factor authentication every 30 seconds:

That way you can go to any GAuth (Google Authenticator) client, enter that same 2FA secret key, and see the exact same code you would get through SMS message.
Except that, if you don't have phone service, it still works ;)

Of course, the first client to use is GAuth on your android phone or your iphone.

That means you don't have to wait for an SMS, and you keep your 2FA on your phone.

However, having your secret key allows you to not be limited to a client on your phone.
You can go to any other client, like:

For all those clients (on your phone with GAuth, or with a desktop client or a web page), you will need your two-factor secret key.

If you activated your 2FA through SMS:

  • you don't know your secret key
  • you can't use any other GAuth client
  • you are limited to receiving your token through your phone (if you have phone service and/or if you have your phone at all)

Note: if you have added a key in your Gauth client on Android, without having memorized first said secret key, all is not lost.
(but you need a rooted phone though)

$ adb shell
# sqlite3 /data/data/com.google.android.apps.authenticator/databases/databases
sqlite> select * from accounts;
1|[email protected]|your2factorkey|0|0
sqlite> .quit

Don't forget to get and then save the associated recovery codes (in the Account Settings section of your GitHub account):

(See also the last section about where to save those codes)

Encrypt your _netrc file

(see the credential helper netrc with git1.8.3+: gpg encryption)

You need to encrypt in that file at least those two credentials:

machine github.com
login username
password xxxx
protocol https

machine gist.github.com
login username
password xxxx
protocol https

You then keep only a ~/.netrc.gpg or %HOME%/_netrc.gpg

But, if you enable the new two-factor authentication described above, 'xxxx' won't be your GitHub account: see the next section about "Personal Access Token".

Generate a Personal Access Token

You won't be able to push with your GitHub password if you have activated 2FA.

Anonymous access to user/repo.git denied

Here is what you would see (the gpg part is because I use the netrc credential helper):

C:\Users\VonC\prog\git\git>git push origin
Using GPG to open %HOME%/_netrc.gpg: [gpg2 --decrypt %HOME%/_netrc.gpg]

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: "auser <[email protected]>"
2048-bit RSA key, ID A2EF56, created 2012-09-12 (main key ID DC43D6)

remote: Anonymous access to VonC/git.git denied.                      <=====
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://[email protected]/VonC/git/'  <=====

So go to the Developer section of your GitHub Account (subsection Personal access tokens), and generate a Personal Access Token:

That token won't require a two-factor authentication: you can use it as password in your _netrc file, and you will be able to just push to GitHub.

But the difference with your main GitHub account password is:
You can revoke a personal access token (and generate a new one), while still keeping your main password unchanged.

If you had encrypted your main GitHub password in your ~/.netrc.gpg file, you can replace it with your new personal token:

gpg -d %HOME%\_netrc.gpg | sed "s/yourPassord/YourPersonalAccessToken/g" | gpg -e -r auser --yes -o %HOME%\_netrc.gpg

In multiple line for readability:

gpg -d %HOME%\_netrc.gpg |
  sed "s/yourPassord/YourPersonalAccessToken/g" |
  gpg -e -r auser --yes -o %HOME%\_netrc.gpg

That works even on Windows, with the help of the unix-like GoW (Gnu on Windows) command, which includes sed.

Save your GitHub credentials

I recommend an online credential storage like lastpass.com

You need to save:

  • Your GitHub account password
  • Your 2FA secret key
  • Your 2FA recovery code
  • Your personal token


08-26 04:00