


How do I instantiate an array property using Reflection based on the code below?

public class Foo
   public Foo()
      foreach(var property in GetType().GetProperties())
         if (property.PropertyType.IsArray)
            // the line below creates a 2D array of type Bar.  How to fix?
            var array = Array.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType, 0);
            property.SetValue(this, array, null);
   public Bar[] Bars {get;set;}

public class Bar
    public string Name {get;set;}


Array.CreateInstance 需要数组的元素类型.您传递整个属性类型,正如您刚刚通过检查 property.PropertyType.IsArray 发现的那样,一个数组类型(特别是 Bar[] - 即一个Bar 元素的数组).

The first parameter of Array.CreateInstance expects the element type of the array. You pass the entire property type, which is, as you have just found out by checking property.PropertyType.IsArray, an array type (specifically, Bar[] - i.e. an array of Bar elements).

要获取数组类型的元素类型,请使用其GetElementType 方法:

To get the element type of an array type, use its GetElementType method:

var array = Array.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType.GetElementType(), 0);



08-26 02:41