本文介绍了我们可以用$ sce.trustAsHtml(串)出"滤波器QUOT; S?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



<div ng-app="app">
  <test-d class="my-class">this should be replaced</test-d>


    angular.module('app', []).directive('testD', ['$compile','$sce', function($compile, $sce) {
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {

                //"case 1"
                //var testElement = angular.element('<div class="{{testClass}}"><div ng-repeat="item in items">{{item.n}}.{{item.label}}</div></div>');

                //"case 2"
                var testElement = angular.element('<div class="{{testClass}}"><div ng-repeat="item in items">{{item.n}}<div class="how-to-remove-this-div" ng-bind-html="item.label|htmlize"></div></div></div>');

                scope.testClass = attrs.class;

                scope.items = [
                    //{n:10,label:$sce.trustAsHtml('<span class="with-icon">label 11</span>')},
                    // "case 1" of "testElement": no any effects (with "case 1" that would be preferred)
                    // "case 2" of "testElement": Error: [$sce:itype] Attempted to trust a non-string value in a content requiring a string: Context: html

                    {n:20,label:'<span class="with-icon">label 22</span>'},
                    {n:30,label:'<span class="with-icon">label 33</span>'}

                var testElementCompiled = $compile(testElement)(scope);

                //"case 3"

                //"case 4"
}]).filter('htmlize', ['$sce', function($sce){
        return function(val) {
            return $sce.trustAsHtml(val);


2)如果没有如何获得使用NG绑定HTML的指令的情况下,以如何做 - 删除 - 这-DIV阶级摆脱的div?

Questions: 1) is it possible to use trustAsHtml out of filter context ?2) IF NOT how to get rid of div with "how-to-remove-this-div" class in case of using "ng-bind-html" directive ?


得到它(trustAsHtml)的指令这里。在错误:[$ SCE:ITYPE]尝试在需要字符串内容信任一个非字符串值:上下文背景:HTML时,我错误地尝试在发生错误相同的标签上呼吁trustAsHtml两次。

Got it (trustAsHtml) working in directive here. The "Error: [$sce:itype] Attempted to trust a non-string value in a content requiring a string: Context: html" error was occured when i by mistake try to call trustAsHtml twice on the same "label".


Second part of question still remains, but i will solve it with some workarounds. And anyway, it's interesting to resolve it too.

这篇关于我们可以用$ sce.trustAsHtml(串)出&QUOT;滤波器QUOT; S?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-15 04:07