


Please help me understand the following quotes from the Angular Material github and home page:


该角材料设计项目是类似于在聚合物项目的纸收集元素提供的参考实施工作。这个项目提供了一组实现了材料设计系统AngularJS UI元素。

The Angular Material Design project is a reference implementation effort similar to that provided in the Polymer project's Paper elements collection. This project provides a set of AngularJS UI elements that implement the material design system.


I understand that Polymer is a framework for web components, and that one piece of the project is the collection of paper elements. I do not understand how the two are related, or why Google is developing two strikingly similar, yet different projects.

  • 是角材料只是一个的端口的纸元素角度?

  • 是We​​b开发人员使用角料沿着正确的纸张元素的Web应用程序?

  • 是两个最终将有效地成为相同呢? (角材料正在使用AngularJS开发和放大器;使用其他纸张元素)

  • Is angular material simply a port of Paper Elements to angular?
  • Are web developers to use Angular Material right alongside Paper Elements in their web apps?
  • Are the two eventually going to effectively become equivalent? (Angular Material being used by AngularJS developers & Paper Elements used by others?)



I think you should consider the fact that web components, polymer, material design, paper elements and angular are 5 distinct 'things'.


Web components is a group of 4 standards.


Polymer is a sugar syntax api on top of web components + some nice additional features.

复制在所有更一致的interfaces..web /移动/等。

Material Design is the latest style and interaction guide Google has announced and they arereplicating more consistently across all their interfaces..web/mobile/etc.


Paper Elements are just an implementation of material design using Polymer. At the ChromeDev Summit Polymer team commented they plan to move paper elements into its own domain to avoid the confusion. Same things about the polyfills, these have been moved to webcomponents.org.


Angular is a library with a much wider scope than polymer.


Angular Material is just another implementation of material design using Angular.


My point being...material design will be reimplemented in as many flavors Google has to generate interfaces.


Google has a history of competing projects. But Angular's team has announced they will be using web components as well in their 2.0 version which is on the works right now. Will they use polymer to create directives? who knows? maybe..


08-24 19:25