




  • 父母


This should share variables between the other two directives - Child One and Child Two.



This contains an input field representing a search term. Whenever this changes I use a link function to update the variable stored in the parent controller.


In real world use I will then carry out a search based on this term and update the array. But for simplicity in this example, I just want to create a new array with length 1, which I want to be populated with the search term as it's value.



由于某种原因,这不起作用,如果我将Array的长度设置为0并推入该值,我将在Child Two中看到视图更新(我已注释掉实现此目的的代码),但是我想了解为什么设置数组值不起作用.

For some reason this does not work, if I set the length of the Array to 0 and push the value I will see the view update in Child Two (I have commented out the code which achieves this), but I want to understand why setting the array value doesn't work.


I understand that a service would be suitable here, but this directive may be re-used multiple times on the same page so I don't want the scope to clash between each item on the page.


Why doesn't the view get updated with the code I currently use?

var app = angular
  .module('SampleApplication', [])
  .directive('parent', function() {
    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      transclude: true,
      template: "<div ng-transclude></div>",
      controller: function($scope) {
        this.searchTerm = "";
        this.arrayContainingSearchTerm = [{value: ''}];

        this.updateSearchTerm = function(searchTerm) {
          this.searchTerm = searchTerm;

          //When this array is assigned - it doesn't get updated in the view
          this.arrayContainingSearchTerm = [{value: searchTerm}];

          //This will update the view.
          //this.arrayContainingSearchTerm.length = 0;
          //this.arrayContainingSearchTerm.push([{value: searchTerm}]);

  .directive('childOne', function() {
    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      require: '^^parent',
      template: "<div><h1>Child One</h1><input ng-model='searchTerm'></input></div>",
      link: function(scope, element, attrs, parentController) {
        scope.$watch('searchTerm', function(newValue, oldValue) {
  .directive('childTwo', function() {
    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      require: '^^parent',
      template: "<div><h1>Child Two</h1><h2>Value below should be: {{searchTerm}}</h2><h2>{{arrayContainingSearchTerm}}</h2></div>",
      link: function(scope, element, attrs, parentController) {
        scope.searchTerm = parentController.searchTerm;
        scope.arrayContainingSearchTerm = parentController.arrayContainingSearchTerm;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.6.1/angular.min.js"></script>

<div ng-app="SampleApplication">


子级作用域会自动继承父级的作用域,并且可以使用$ parent/要求父级控制器专门访问父级的作用域,但请注意,同级不能[轻松地]访问每个父级其他范围.因此,解决方案是更新父范围并将父范围更改反映回目标子项.

Children scope automatically inherit the parent's scope and can specifically access the parent's scope with $parent / requiring the parent controller but take note that siblings cannot [easily] access each others scope. So, the solution is to update the parent scope and reflect the parent scope changes back to the targeted child.

您不需要更新子范围,因为子范围是自动从父范围继承的.同样,除了观看searchTerm ngModel之外,还可以在childOne指令中使用attrs.ngModel.

You don't need to update the child scope since the child scope is automatically inherit from parent scope. Also rather than watch the searchTerm ngModel, just use attrs.ngModel in the childOne directive.

var app = angular
.module('SampleApplication', [])
.directive('parent', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    transclude: true,
    template: "<div ng-transclude></div>",
    controller: function($scope) {
      this.searchTerm = "";
      this.arrayContainingSearchTerm = [{value: ''}];

      this.updateSearchTerm = function(searchTerm) {
        this.searchTerm = searchTerm;

        //When this array is assigned - it doesn't get updated in the view
        this.arrayContainingSearchTerm = [{value: searchTerm}];

        //This will update the view.
        //this.arrayContainingSearchTerm.length = 0;
        //this.arrayContainingSearchTerm.push([{value: searchTerm}]);

.directive('childOne', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    require: '^^parent',
    template: "<div><h1>Child One</h1><input ng-model='searchTerm'></input></div>",
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, parentController) {
        // Just use attrs.ngModel
.directive('childTwo', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    require: '^^parent',
    template: "<div><h1>Child Two</h1><h2>Value below should be: {{searchTerm}}</h2><h2>{{arrayContainingSearchTerm}}</h2></div>",
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, parentController) {
       // Comment/remove this since the scope is automatically inherit from parent scope
      //scope.arrayContainingSearchTerm = parentController.arrayContainingSearchTerm;
      //scope.searchTerm = parentController.searchTerm;
       // scope.arrayContainingSearchTerm = parentController.arrayContainingSearchTerm;

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.6.1/angular.min.js"></script>

<div ng-app="SampleApplication">


08-24 19:20