is it possible to create a voice recognition app using angular js for mobile
What I have tried:
i search google but did not get something very informative
注意当前只有语音合成部分在Firefox桌面上可用 - 一旦所需的内部权限被整理出来,语音识别部分即将推出。
Note that currently only the speech synthesis part is available in Firefox Desktop — the speech recognition part will be available soon, once the required internal permissions are sorted out.
它在Android或iOS Safari中不受支持,但看起来它可能适用于Android版Chrome和三星互联网。
It's currently "in development" for Edge, but not for IE11:
The status of Web Speech API (input) in Microsoft Edge is In Development - Microsoft Edge Development[^]
It's not supported in Android or iOS Safari, but it looks like it might work in Chrome for Android and Samsung Internet.
So the answer is, it depends on which browsers you need to support. If you need to support a browser which doesn't currently implement the API, then you won't be able to do it.