


I have the following code inside of a React store:

  addChangeListener(cb) {
    this.on(CHANGE_EVENT, _.debounce(cb, 100));

  removeChangeListener(cb) {
    this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT, cb);

我不相信 removeChangeListener _。debounce 函数,c $ c>正在删除 cb 。如何使用 _.debounce ,还要确保删除正确的 cb

I don't believe that removeChangeListener is removing the cb because of the _.debounce function. How can I use _.debounce, and also ensure that the proper cb is removed?


你是对的。 _.debounce 创建一个新功能。所以你需要做类似的事情:

You are correct. _.debounce creates a new function. So you need to do something like:

var debouncedCb;

addChangeListener(cb) {
  debouncedCb = _.debounce(cb, 100)
  this.on(CHANGE_EVENT, debouncedCb);

removeChangeListener(cb) {
  this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT, debouncedCb);

根据您的具体情况,您可能希望附上 debouncedCb cb 以某种方式,以便 removeChangeListener 不会混淆。

Depending on you're specifics, you'll probably want to attach debouncedCb to cb somehow, so that removeChangeListener doesn't get confused.


08-24 18:48