不要使用_root,因为如果使用_root作为参考的电影由于某种原因被加载到另一部电影中_root将引用其他电影,试试这个,制作一个名为home的变量(for例如)并使其等于此(伪元素this我的意思)。因此,home对象现在将成为当前的根元素,您将避免嵌套问题。您也可以从任何您喜欢的地方调用此主页对象,它仍然是您电影的根源。即使你的电影是在另一个电影里面调用的。Great that you have that working.An advice that'' will be usefull for you and for everyone:don''t use the _root, cause if the movie that is using _root as reference is for some reason loaded inside another movie the _root will be referencing that other movie, try this, make a variable named home (for example) and make it equal to this (the pseudo-element "this" I mean). So the home object will be now the current root element and you''ll avoid nesting problems. Also you can call this home object from wherever you like and will still be the root of your movie. even if your movie is being called inside another one. 展开 | 选择 | Wrap | 行号谢谢xNephilimx, 有趣的是你应该提一下,这部电影实际上是要放在另一部主电影中来削减负荷,而这正是我所遇到的问题! 我不太熟悉var.script,但知道我知道哪里至少我出错了!我会玩一玩! 谢谢堆! =)Thanks xNephilimx,Funny your should mention that, this movie is actually going to sit within another main movie to cut loading, and that''s exactly the problem i''m having!I''m not too familiar with var.script, But know I know where at least i''m going wrong! I''ll have a bit of a play!Thanks Heaps!=) 这篇关于从影片剪辑里面直接回到_root?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 1403页,肝出来的..
09-06 19:06