




I am looping through an array of data with each having there own delete button with class="delete_thereid". when the page loads the delete button works fine.. nowafter the page loads again (start_timer()) and I try to delete a different record, the native js confirmation box pops up two times.. actually the popup increments each time the page gets refreshed. I really have been at trying to find a solution for this for a few days now with out a success. Here is my code.

var refreshSpeed = 8000;
var intValID = 0;

function get_post ()
    $.ajax ({
         url:  "postComments.php",
         type: "post",
         cache: false,
         dataType: "json",
         data: {type: "getComments"},
         success: function (d) {
            var c = [];
            var r = [];
        v   ar cp = [];

            //Check for new post, update page.
            $(d.results.com).each (function (k, v)
                if ($("#showComments").find ("div#"+$(v).attr ("id")).length == 0) {
                        cp.push (v);
                c.push ($(v).attr ("id"));

                if ($.inArray ($(v).attr ("id"), c_hashid) == -1) {
                    c_hashid.push ($(v).attr ("id"));

             $("#showComments").prepend (cp).fadeIn ("slow");

             remove_deleted (c_hashid, c); //remove post
             remove_deleted (r_hashid, r); //remove replies
             deletePost ();
             start_timer ();
             //optionBttn ();
             return false;

function remove_deleted (ids, r)
      $.each (ids, function (k, v){

          if ($.inArray (v, r) == -1)
              $("#showComments").find ("div#"+v).slideUp ("slow");

function confirmDelete ()
    if (confirm ("Are you sure you wish to delete this post?")) {
        return true;
    return false;

function deletePost ()
    $("[class^=delete]").each (function () {
        $(this).on("click", function (e)
            e.preventDefault ();
        //stop_timer ();
        if (confirmDelete ())
                $(this).die ("click");  //test
                $(this).unbind ().click(); //test

                //start_timer ();


function start_timer () {
    intValID = setTimeout (function () {
                get_post ();
    }, refreshSpeed);

function stop_timer () {
    clearTimeout (intValID);

$(document).ready (function ()
    $("#cbutton").attr("disabled", "disabled");

    $(document).mouseup (function (e)
        if ($("#layerOne").has (e.target).length === 0)
            $("div[id^=replybox]").fadeOut ("fast");

    get_post ();
    textAreaAnim ();
    play_video ();


the function that is making the call is deletePost from get_post, you can see what its doing here



After all this time!!! and all I had to do was

$("[class^=delete]").on ("click", function (e)
    if (confirmDelete ())
        e.stopImmediatePropagation () //<----this!!! this is all I needed
        //dorestofstuff ();

在每个页面加载时不再增加确认框. stopImmediatePropagation()很神奇!

No more incremented confirmation box on each page load. stopImmediatePropagation () is magical!



You could try changing your deletePost method,


Instead of iterating through a set of matching elements you can directly bind an event to them:

function deletePost () {
    $("[class^=delete]").on("click", function(e) {
        e.preventDefault ();
        //stop_timer ();
        if (confirmDelete()) {
            $(form).die ("click");
            $(form).unbind ().click();
            //start_timer ();


08-24 18:33