

我刚刚开始使用nodejs模板引擎玉石。不幸的是,我的IDE eclipse似乎没有支持这种语法,并没有正确突出显示。

是否可以添加对.jade文件的支持eclipse ?


作为Nodeclipse努力的当前主角www.nodeclipse.org我宣布Nodeclipse v0.12已经添加Minimalist Jade Editor,请参阅。在发布之前添加,因为我厌倦了.jade在Eclipse之外被打开。

Nodeclipse范围正在增长,现在它具有适用于Android和JavaScript的Gradle,我希望下一次迭代工作。也寻找开发商和公司愿意支持该项目。提高GitHub / Nodeclipse上的问题以继续。

I have just starting using the nodejs templating engine jade. Unfortunately my IDE eclipse doesn't seem to have support for this syntax and is not highlighting correctly.

Is it possible to add support for .jade files to eclipse?


As current lead of Nodeclipse effort www.nodeclipse.org I announce that Nodeclipse v0.12 has added Minimalist Jade Editor, see http://www.nodeclipse.org/history. Added just before release as I got sick of .jade to be opened outside of Eclipse.

Nodeclipse scope is growing, now it has Gradle for Android and JavaScript in general that I want to work on for next iteration. Also looking for developers and company willing to support the project. Raise an issue on GitHub/Nodeclipse to continue.


08-24 18:32