



我使用的玉模板与角JS一起使用,在角的控制器进行定义,例如中继器处理简单的数组:$ scope.ids = ['demo1的','DEMO2']

  < D​​IV ID ={{$指数}}> {{$指数}}< / DIV>


 < D​​IV ID => 0℃; / DIV> // ID属性始终是空的,因为玉替换它
< D​​IV ID => 1 LT; / DIV> //在标签的同时HTML是正确呈现

:如何通过玉和打印字符串至该HTML属性的对$ pvent解析为在结果HTML

P上。 S.我尝试下面的语法,它不工作...建议?

  ID =| {{$指数}}// id是空的
ID!={{$指数}}// id是空的
ID =!{{$指数}}//语法错误
ID =!{{控件ID}}//语法错误
{:ID => {{$指数}}} //不添加ID在所有

P上。 P. S.只是为了解释为什么我用HTML搞乱玉 - 我试图用只玉语法,它也没有工作:

  .demo(ID ={{$指数}}){{$指数}}



{{$index}}伍重复角指令连接功能后计算出来的。 $编译它?

我意识到,SANGRAM是正确的这一点 - 这是不是玉的问题 - 这是何等的角度呈现模板

有一个解决方案 - 调用$ evalAsync内联函数 - 也许这是一个很好的选择,但对我来说,我需要设置控件的ID立刻让我想出了这个解决方案 - 如果我不能设置ID - 我可以生成的:

  app.directive('标签',['$ rootScope',函数($ rootScope){    变种controlIndex的= 0;    VAR连接=功能(范围,元素,ATTRS){    // ***控件ID *** //        元素[0] .ID = attrs.id || 控制+(++ controlIndex的);        ...
    }    返回{
        templateUrl:标签/ template.html',

I am using Jade Template in conjunction with Angular JS and have such repeater processing simple array defined in angular's controller : $scope.ids = ['demo1', 'demo2']

.controls(ng-repeat="controlId in ids")
  <div id="{{$index}}">{{$index}}</div>

Whatever i do Jade tries to parse everything passed to the SELECT tag and thus it always removes $index variable from tag's attribute. As result in HTML i always see the following:

<div id="">0</div> // ID attribute is always empty because Jade replaces it
<div id="">1</div> // at the same time HTML of the tag was rendered correctly

Question : how to prevent parsing of this HTML attribute by Jade and print string as is in a result HTML?

P. S. I tried the following syntax and it does not work ... suggestions?

id="|{{$index}}" // id is empty
id!="{{$index}}" // id is empty
id="!{{$index}}" // syntax error
id="!{{controlId}}" // syntax error
{:id => {{$index}}} // does not add ID at all

P. P. S. Just to explain why i am messing up Jade with HTML - i tried to use "jade only" syntax and it also did not work :

.controls(ng-repeat="controlId in ids")
  .demo(id="{{$index}}") {{$index}}

Recently i found this discussion started by Sangram :

{{$index}} of ng-repeat computed after linker function of angular directive. $compile it?

And i realized that Sangram was right about this - this is not Jade issue - this is how angular renders templates.

There was a solution - to call linking function inside $evalAsync - probably it is a good alternative but in my case i need to set ID of the control immediately so i came up to this solution - if i cannot set the ID - i can generate it :

app.directive('tags', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {

    var controlIndex = 0;

    var linker = function(scope, element, attrs) {

    // *** Control ID *** //

        element[0].id = attrs.id || 'control' + (++controlIndex);


    return {
        restrict: 'EA',
        templateUrl: 'tags/template.html',
        link: linker


08-24 18:32