




Struggling a bit with nested functions. Problem, I want to call a function from my HTML, but all my JavaScript sits inside to wait for the DOM loaded function.


If I take the function I want to call out of the DOM loaded function, I can not access the variables from inside the DOM loaded function.


大概当您说从[您的] HTML调用函数"时,您的意思是:

Presumably when you say you "call a function from [your] HTML" you mean:

<div onclick="yourFunction()">...</div>


这是不使用 onxyz -属性样式的事件处理程序的众多原因之一:如果它们是全局函数,则只能调用自己的函数.

This is one of the many reasons not to use onxyz-attribute-style event handlers: You can only call your own functions if they're globals.

相反,如果需要支持过时的Microsoft浏览器,请使用现代事件处理技术(例如 addEventListener (或 attachEvent )连接处理程序;如果这样做,请此处的我的答案具有您可以使用的跨浏览器功能).如果这样做,则可以在代码范围内使用任何函数范围内的代码进行连接,而不再需要是全局的.

Instead, hook up the handlers with modern event handling techniques, such as addEventListener (or attachEvent if you need to support obsolete Microsoft browsers; if you do, my answer here has a cross-browser function you can use). If you do that, you can use any function in-scope of your code doing the hookup, it doesn't need to be a global anymore.


(function() {
  // Not global
  function fooClick() {
    console.log(".foo clicked");

  // Hook it up
  document.querySelector(".foo").addEventListener("click", fooClick);
<div class="foo">Click me</div>


08-24 18:22