



我有理由新的C#作为一种语言(从C ++背景的)和我目前在编写的应用程序,使得使用事件驱动的API的过程。

I am reasonably new to C# as a language (coming from a C++ background) and I am currently in the process of writing an application that makes use of an event driven API.


Primarily this consists of registering event/response handlers and starting event monitors then dealing with these asychronous events/responses.


The thing i'm having a bit of trouble understanding is the use of the sender object.


What I would like to use it for is to pass a handle to a class object I have with various structures and data in when making a request (or setting up a monitor). And then on the response being recieved/the event being raised I can take the sender object, cast it back to the expected class type and access members, make further changes etc. so treating it as if it's just still a pointer to the original data (which I'm hoping it would be?).


So my question really is, as I am passing a class object in my request, will this be effectively a reference, or will it be copied somewhere along the line by value as it is actually just a generic object and I will end up with an empty copy of my class object on the event?

或第三个选项,我很可能完全错误的轨道上,并应该忘记整个事情? :)

Or the third option that i'm maybe completely on the wrong track here and should forget the whole thing? :)


Problem is my brains still working in pointers mode I think...



I don't know that I entirely understand your question. But to answer you in part:


You would get a reference to your object.


08-24 18:16